Idiots. I wish someone would just go and take out all these religous nutjobs. I would pay my right and very best arm that I have to see every single X-tian fall on their knees and beg to be killed quickly. Hmm you all are idiots my friend. Whom else here feels the same as I do?
Dude, your mum needs to put a stop to those violent video games and send her lil' bundle of joy to a shrink.
lol is this a christian pretending to be a crazy anti-theist or a real anti-theist gone berserk?
its not an atheist, they don't tend toward outright foaming of the brain
My troll detector shows a positive. He seems strangely composed to be as angry as he pretends to be and then tries (hopelessly) to get people to say they agree with him.
I guess it could be a false positive, though.
Nein, mein Fuhrer. Save dot fur der Juden, ja?
And yes, I believe that this Godwin was perfectly justified.
You, sir, are a disgrace and a failure as a human being. I don't think you will find anyone in their right mind who would want to associate with your opinion. Now go and play chicken with a freight train.
And a cheery hello to you too.
"I wish someone would just go and take out all these religous nutjobs."
Do you want to see FSTDT lose its reason for being?
"I would pay my right and very best arm that I have to see every single X-tian fall on their knees and beg to be killed quickly."
So I take it that your left hand is your wanking hand.
"Hmm you all are idiots my friend."
What? Does your friend have multiple personalties?
"Whom else here feels the same as I do?"
That pathetic appeal to other commentators is quite lolworthy, I don't know how I missed it the first time? Anyway, I laugh at your abject loneliness and and take great delight in your frustration at your own stupidity and ignorance.
Ah, it´s only Cthulhuman again, our very own Fundie (or Poe)
I have to agree with RevDG and Captain Obvious...
this guy sounds like some kind of visitor from RR who tries to make us write things that they (at RR) can use to fuel their own persecution complex.
"Cthuluman".. oh god. it's an actual satan worshipper.
hey i know, go back to doing weird things with your own blood and inhaling your own farts. Don't forget to carve a really embarassing pentagram into your arm!
It's who else, not whom, you dignant eedjit.
dignant=dumb and ignorant
It's WHO, not WHOM, for fuck's sake.
Stop objectifying other FSTDTers.
(Get it? Objectifying! Oh, I'm too funny. Or too much of a grammar nerd.)
Nobody. We think fundies are misguided, hateful, and fun to laugh at, but none of us wants to create some kind of "Final Solution" to destroy all the Fundies.
Now quit trolling our site and take your hate somewhere else.
People have the right to believe in as many religious delusions as they wish. It is only when those delusions lead them to harm others or they try to impose them on me or others who do not wish to hear their retarded shit that their rights end.
"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
Ho. Hum. Yet, another FSTDT comment from Cthuluman gets posted as a quote. And he or she is enjoying all the attention immensely.
Please don't feed the trolls.
No, I don't. The strongest that I feel is that I wish all of the particular nutjobs who use fundamentalism as an excuse to have sex with little girls are all imprisoned. The kinds of fundies who get quoted on FSTDT need to be publicly and intellectually defeated so that the world can see the errors of their ways, but killing them makes us even worse than they are.
Also, Goosey made me lol. :-)
I know the feeling Cthuluman! If you meet enough religious crazies you do start wanting to strangle a few.
As for all the people knocking this guy... You all do know some fundies would love to kill YOU right? Lets not love them to much. I dunno, maybe you guys are all straight white guys and fundies are just a joke to you. But I know their not a joke to ME.
I know I wouldn't mourn them at all if they keeled over dead tomorrow. I'd do a happy dance.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrick Neitzsche
So the obvious response to a few fundies wishing you dead (not all the fundies on this site want all of us dead - I'd wager few actually do) is to wish all fundies dead?
Congratulations. You have become that which you hate. *slow clap*
well i don't think they should be killed, they're not evil, just stupid, i mean, stupid can kind of be fixed, with enough effort, and not all of them are stupid even, just horribly horribly misguided, and then there's the ones who are only religious because that's what they've been brought up with, and where i strongly disagree with their point of view, i don't see that as a reason to kill them
Right-wing fundies are doing a perfectly good job of destroying themselves; our help not required, thanks.
I know a long-time Christian (just your normal, average Church of England type, who helps out people as, when & where he can, donates to charity, and frequents charity shops etc). Said long-time Christian is a friend of mine. Cthuluman, you're no friend of mine.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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