<when asked if he's ever read the Harry Potter books he's so gleefully bashing>
I've read and seen enough to know they are trash and harmful. I don't have to look at an xxx rated movie to know it should be avoided. Same with the potter series.
Wha... buh? The most successful series of children's books of the 21st century so far are the same as a X-rated porno? Or is this the Fundie Stepping Stones of Stupid:
Harry Potter/Pokemon/D&D/whatever--->Witchcraft--->Satanism--->Wicca--->Atheism--->Ghey--->Abortion--->Nuclear Holocaust?
That's a solid "no", then.
Books, in and of themseleves, aren't harmful (neither is porn, btw, just in case you were wondering that if you failed to avoid an xxx rated movie it might suck your eyeballs out through the screen or something); the ideas contained within those books, too, are just patterns of information. It's what you do with that information that can be dangerous, like taking fiction or mythology to have some kind of influence on the real world.
You know, I've read all 7 books, and I think I may have figured out why fundies hate them so much.
Several times throughout the series, personal choice is emphasized as making us who we are, more so than our innate abilities. Also, the personal conflict when presented with the choice between what is right and what is easy is also demonstrated in almost every climax scene (and the entire seventh book). This is completely opposed to everything the fundies believe - when given the choice between the right thing to do and what you are informed is the right thing to do by an anonymous "ghost writer" (pardon the pun), you should always blindly obey, consequences be damned. If you are in a situation where you are encouraged to display individuality, you are to reject the notion completely and fall back in line.
This is easily demonstrated by this asshole's comment - "I don't need to read it to know that what my established master says is true! It's teh witchkraft!!11!"
*Scott: I've read and seen enough to know they are trash and harmful*
So you've looked at the cover and maybe read one or two words. Also, equating a good story with porno is just STUPID. I don't care who you are.
@Return of Bob: Nice theory, but you're crediting fundies with the ability to recognise themes and messages in a work. I doubt any of them have actually read enough of the series to find that meaning- it's just "Magic, burn it!"
Though actually, I think it's even less deep than that. They just don't want children reading ANYTHING, lest they go on to gain knowledge and think for themselves. Allowing them access to unfiltered information while they're still impressionable might result in them not growing up fundie.
You know this, how? By looking into a crystal ball? Telling fortunes?
Unless you have looked at the Potter books you are lying for Jesus, and lying is a sin. A sin for Jesus. That's a kind of blasphemy, no? So you are a blasphemer, Scotty. And when the Rabiture [sic] comes there will be 'no beaming up of Scotty!"
What about Harry Potter sends off warning lights akin to an XXX rating? I think that the fact that you think there is such a warning just shows that you want to believe what everyone else hysterically says about, without disproving your assumption by actually READING THE BOOK! But, whatever. Just don't get offended when I take the same attitude with your Bible.
As a Harry Potter fan, I would like to express my sincere doubt that you have ever even touched a H.P. book much less read one (or more). Your statement shows a complete lack of knowledge on the subject you are denegrading, so kindly STFU!
Now, about xxx rated movies.... :P
IT actually has lots of good values that you Christians supposedly own, like self-sacrifice, redemption, fighting evil, helping others, friendship... etc.
@FMG: Yeah, it's like the Portal of porn movies!
It makes me kinda sad that I'm not allowed to point out fallacies I haven't technically read in the Bible anymore, I only got through the Flood before I stopped reading.
@Ken1971: Seconded. As a Harry Potter fan, it was both horrifying and hilarious to watch fundies throw the books into bonfires on national television. I was thinking, 'What the heck is wrong with you people?' Plenty of kids hate the books that they have to read over the summer for school, you don't see any of them throwing the books into bonfires (as much as they would like to).
Well, I haven't read very much of the bible either, and I don't care to. I figure I don't need to overturn every turd in the outhouse to realize what a load of shit is down there - even if somebody tells me there's a million dollars in there, and if I just have the faith I'll find it. I don't, however, feel compelled to stop somebody else in their quest of the golden nuggets themselves.
No no, the porn isn't the ACTUAL Harry Potter books. Stop reading fanfiction.
Unless it's Snape/Lucius, in which case, go ahead, and tell me where to find it.
I've read (at my level) and seen (cause I may not be smart but I been around awhile) enough to know (kinda) they are trash and harmful (so they say). I don't have to look at an xxx rated movie to know it should be avoided (but I do,and I think it needs more research). Same (but different)with the potter series
Ok! You can not read a simple harmless 17 chapter book, yet you read a huge book that talks about sacrificing your own son, stoning "harlets" (or people with "common sense and good ideas" as I like to put it), and other sick stuff I will not even mention.
Yes, your argument makes a whole lot of sense! *rolls eyes*
There is nothing xxx rated in Harry Potter films. A bit of snogging in the later books but meh.
er, maybe I missed something. Was there a lesbian menage between Hermione, Cho and Lena ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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