Western women are the most sickening “thing” I have witnessed in the last decade. They are a bunch of degenerate sub human scum and the filth and rot they produce, has destroyed whatever integrity and honor was left in our society.
I am disgusted by the culture of self entitlement and narcissism that revolves around them 24 hours a day such as taking pictures of themselves and finding ways to not only financially, but psychologically, destroy us men.
I mean look at their repulsive personalities and the way they behave- atrocious. From tattoos all over their bodies, to having no sense of right and wrong, to being loud and obnoxious, to only thinking about themselves, what man in their right mind would want to commit to them? The horrendous and garbage pop culture that we are seeing, from the low life music videos, to the hipster movement and the endless amount of advertising and entertainment aimed at only women, its no wonder men are now starting to wake up and realise that society only caters for women. What kind of man would tolerate being in an abusive relationship where the woman is bossy and calling all the shots? As a self respecting man, you avoid these types of women. But unfortunately, it seems the vast majority of Western women have become like this.
Anyway, the ship is sinking. The women have crashed the Titanic and the real men have already gone on their lifeboats. Divorce rate is now apparently 60% (70% initiated by women) sperm banks are running out of donations, men are boycotting marriage and women are always asking the same question: “where did all the good men go?”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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