Connect ALL the Dots #transphobia

Awake, not Woke

Words have meanings and meanings matter. It makes no sense to allow a privileged group (men) to unilaterally redefine words in order to benefit themselves while simultaneously destroying the fundamental, hard-won human rights of a traditionally disadvantaged group (women), but here we are. This has already happened, in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Most Canadians don’t even know that any male sex offender can walk into any girls locker room in the country, drop his pants, display fully functional male genitals, and if women or girls object, all he has to do is claim to be a “trans woman” to avoid prosecution for voyeurism or indecent exposure.
Nobody asked women if we wanted to legalize voyeurism & indecency in the single-sex female spaces where these crimes do the most harm. Ontario voters never had a say in the decision to let any man, even convicted sex offenders, falsify government documents and claim womanhood without any gatekeeping of any sort. We have a serious problem in that women’s rights have been systematically dismantled by stealth. We have an even bigger problem in that voters are powerless to rectify this heinous abuse of power. Voting only works in a democracy, but before the plutocrats head-hunted her to keep the truth out of the public eye, Chrystia Freeland let the cat out of the bag about who rules in Canada .
The point here is that voting will never be enough to solve any of the serious problems we face. The primary problem that must be solved first – chronologically – is restoring the democratic power that was stolen from voters decades ago. This will require solidarity in the face of the polarizing Divide & Rule tactics of the ruling class. This is why when I point out that “trans women” are men and I’m accused of being a right-winger I don’t just spit out a knee-jerk denial. We won’t be able be able to successfully counter the divisive tactics used against us until we abandon tribalism and embrace single-issue solidarity.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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