Mick_Donalds #sexist reddit.com
Years ago in a bar I was having a drink with two war buddies. We're sitting there, bullshitting, having a beer or two, and one of my friends says hello to a girl he knew from college. She comes over and chit chats with him for a few minutes and is introduced to the other two of us. Of course, she calls another one of her friends over (presumably to hook her friend up) with one of us. Her friend comes over and pulls up a bar stool to our table and wants to chirp in on our conversation. After telling us she works at "wherever", she asks us:
"So you guys have been to combat, right? So, if you can take the life of a child in war, don't you think that's the same thing as Abortion?"
Now, I want you to imagine a girl who's easily a decent '8' on the looks scale. Makeup, high maintenance, great body, nice skin, the whole package. Now imagine the dumbest sounding girl you've ever seen. Like the girls that do the news segments on campuses because they're protesting "whatever". That was this girl. Just absolutely the dumbest piece of shit I've ever seen.
One of my buddies couldn't believe she asked us that. I spoke up and said "We're not having this conversation. Guys, don't even respond. We're NOT doing this. You can go away now. We're done here."
Little Miss Abortion justifier gets VISIBLY butthurt about being rejected. Tries to badger us into a nonsensical argument to justify abortion versus collateral damage in Iraq. We refuse to debate or talk to her and shut her down. My friend finally tells her "Look, leave us alone to drink our beers and seek life elsewhere. I'm gonna throw a fuckin' drink in your face if you don't leave us alone"
She became UNGLUED, and started hysterically yelling about us not wanting to talk to her. Her friend finally pulled her away from the table as we told her to get her away from us.
That was my "realizing" moment. I realized that this dumb broad had never been rejected by some guys that were decent looking (I'm not Christian Bale or anything, but I did well...). For that matter, she'd probably never been told "No" at any point ever in her life. It changed how I perceived women that have zero personalities who manipulate men because men are simps that put pussy on the pedestal. Women don't face nearly ANY rejection from men. It was oddly satisfying, even in that moment to see a hot girl who has NOTHING to offer but her pussy to Chad and Tyrone, get shut down for probably the first time in her life.