David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
I KNEW IT! I knew that we'd see former Florida governor Jeb Bush running for the office of U.S. President (he will run, I assure you). After saying that he had no intentions of seeking office again, now Bush says he won't rule out a run for U.S. President in 2016. Who's kidding who... of course he's going to run! The Bush family is wicked beyond imagination, having usurped control over The White House when Bush Sr. became Vice President. After Reagan was shot, Bush ran the White House. I may be wrong , but I am fully convinced that Jeb Bush will be our next commander and thief.
Florida has been in world news for decades of epidemic prescription drug abuse and the open sale of opiate drugs to anyone with $500 from in or out of state. South Florida is a sicko Sodom and Gomorrah. A dozen people a day were dying just in Florida from opiate drug overdose. The state of Kentucky (and others) sued Florida for turning their state into the “Pill Billy” state. The drug scam became known as “The Oxycontin Express” (see below). As if that weren't bad enough, Former CIA Director and Vice President George H. Bush Put Himself In Charge Of the South Florida Anti-Drug Unit. You couldn't make this stuff up! The Bush and Clinton families are steeped in drugs!!! Why do you think George W. Bush was governor of Texas and Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida (both drug-import states on the southern border of the United States?
I've been researching the illegal drug-trafficking through the Mena, Arkansas airport when Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas. The drug-trafficking became so blatant that in 1994 the Citizens For Honest Government produced a documentary titled, “The Clinton Chronicles: An Investigation into the Alleged Criminal Activities of Bill Clinton.” Pastor Jerry Falwell promoted the film and 300,000 copies were distributed. There Is No War On Drugs! It's evil beyond comprehension that the same elite who traffic the drugs, own the prisons to profit at both ends of the spectrum. I want to vomit when I see Colonel Oliver North honored in any way. Key officials loyally covered-up all the illegal drug-trafficking at Mena. The Columbian cocaine and black heroine were trafficked through the airport at Mena, Arkansas. Officials looked the other way. There is no honor in loyalty to criminals. The truth is stranger than fiction. Privatized Prisons and the Global Drug Syndicate
Bill and Hillary are both sleazy lawyers. I don't hate anybody, but those two have done untold evil to our country. I am a Christian for honest government. I wanted to go vomit when I recently read that Hillary Clinton is getting involved with foreign nations to prevent child kidnapping. What a perfect cover for sex-trafficking and DynCorp! I don't trust these people as far as I can see! Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife (Mormon) invested too). Anything the occult-driven elite get involved with is for alternative selfish reasons. Don't make the mistake of thinking that a group of people who cold-heartedly murdered one and a half million Iraqis are sweet people. They didn't hesitate to kill 2,745 Americans on 911 (half of the bodies are still missing, lost in the Trade Tower rubble). The global elite are evil beyond our imagination. They killed 20,000,000 people in World War I to make themselves filthy rich and form The League Of Nations. They killed another 50,000,000 in World War II to form their United Nations. Life means NOTHING to them. If they get their way, the world population will decrease from 6,800,000,000 to 500,000,000 by 2050.
They want control and power. Vince Foster was murdered for trying to expose the Clintons. When he was found dead, all of the White Water scandal files incriminating the Clintons were gone! They paid off his wife to say it was suicide. Yeah, right! Just like Gary Webb and Nancy Schafer were also said to have commit suicide. No way! These people are wicked criminals, hellbent on committing evil to get their way. I may end up dead too for typing this article, but I fear God, not man. I may be wrong about Jeb Bush becoming our next President, but if he runs HE WILL WIN!!! No ifs, ands or buts about it... HE WILL WIN!