Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

I like how sandy hook story was based on witness acct. but last few shooting where ATF,FBI,Homeland and 10,000 local police show up at the same time. And eye witness accounts that diff from "offical" story arnt news worthy. So Mr So&So you say there was 3 shooters and they where all white? Thats NEWS! Real reporters would question everything and dig for the truth.

I bet these thousands of "isis" attack in the future they speak of will never be done where people concel carry. Dame well get crisis actors really hurt. And they only know how to pretend to bandage people. Real tourquets cause major damage to a person limb if done correctly. You have to mark the time it was made so it can be relieved periotically. These dorks loosly put a scaffe around a "major wound" above and below the injury. 1st aid FAIL



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