American woman have turned aside after Satan! American women are filing for divorce at TWICE the rate of men. American women are the ultimate HYPOCRITES! They dress like whores, and all their friends dress like whores, and then they expect their husbands to have clean minds. It doesn't work that way. What do you expect when little whores are being flaunted all over the place in men's faces?
We expect that men are decent and civilized enough to not throw themselves at every woman who shows a bit more flesh than is necessary.
Have you ever played video games, David? Have you ever noticed that in many games, the women are scantily dressed? Men design those games, not women. You are the ultimate hypocrite.
Just because (barring rape, which no, I wouldn't put below you) you can't get a woman to have sex with you, does not make them "whores".
Go pay for it if you're that desperate (although, I'm relatively against prostitution, but um, nevermind).
Personally, I don't like wearing particularly revealing clothes, but that's my business, no one elses. Just as it's not your business, Daviiepoo, if a woman wants to wear a halter top with hotpants.
Weak-willed coward.
I, representing the superior aspects of masculinity decry this as a feebleminded attempt to justify one's own weakness by putting the blame on others.
Is your god really so blind that he will be deceived by such paltry tricks?
We don't expect men to have 'clean' minds -- hell, at least I don't. I think about sex a lot . I mean, it's not all I think about, but it's there. So, no, a rational woman would not expect her partner to have a constantly 'clean' mind.
What we expect is that men don't cheat on us. I don't give a shit if my partner finds someone sexually attractive. It's called nature . What I do care about is if he goes and actually has sex with that person.
Less repression = healthier living.
Also, Tomby Stone wins.
Ummm, I expect I'm gonna get me some o' dat!
Gee, let me guess a divorced fundie? What, your wife wore a skirt above the ankle? The horrors!
Well, it's like that "father's rights" crowd. Now it is entirely possible that some of them have been legitimately screwed over, but if you ask me, given the misogyny that travels in those circles, I tend to think losing custody of their kids was too good for them.
Because they're ultimately responsible for his minds and his acts?. It's as stupid as claiming that sweets are the ultimate hypocrites and claim that they're responsible for obesity. If they can't have clean minds themselves, it can only mean two things, neither of them very flattering for men:
a)that they're pigs and lascivious.
b)that they're weak, incapable of controlling their urges.
Concerning divorce, what they fill in twice the rate of men is the separation papers, not divorce. You confuse filling for divorce after a period of separation and filling for divorce because living together doesn't work. You don't bear in mind that women(and men too)ask for divorce after,
a)abandon(they have to fill for divorce even if the spouse doesn't appear)
b)repeated infidelities(not all infidel spouses leave their wives or husbands for an infidelity, but the other may do if discovered)
c)Domestic Violence
d)Abuse against the couple's children,
Look, David J. Stewart, I'm sorry about your tiny ineffectual penis, but just shut up, O.K.?
You. Are. An. Asshole.
American women couldn't give a shit less what you think, you self important, self righteous, sexist prick. To cite Dick Cheney, go fuck yourself.
Mudflappus, I think you're dead-on that this David is a repressed homosexual. People who condemn others for being gay are usually trying to deflect attention from their own homosexuality, right? Well, when I looked at the site this guy rails on and on about the "evils" of gays with pages like "Frightening Gay Statistics" and "Violence and Homosexuality".
Have you ever played video games, David? Have you ever noticed that in many games, the women are scantily dressed? Men design those games, not women.
Fun fact: The idea of having scantily-dressed women around for eye candy is so common in video games, there's even an "industry" term for it: boo banga . You can bet that women didn't coin that term.
"American woman have turned aside after Satan!
Satan's a pimp.
American women are filing for divorce at TWICE the rate of men.
Women are also raped & the target of domestic abuse more than men. Your point is?
American women are the ultimate HYPOCRITES!
And I get the feeling you have the entire estrogen ocean beat.
They dress like whores, and all their friends dress like whores, and then they expect their husbands to have clean minds.
Damn, where do you live? And why do they expect their HUSBANDS to have clean minds? Celibate, or something? I think there's something you're trying to say, but your feeble brain isn't capable of it.
It doesn't work that way.
What do you expect when little whores are being flaunted all over the place in men's faces?
Monetary exchange for intercourse. What do you expect? Your own vomit?
I think someone was taken to the cleaners after someone's wife found him playing grownup games with someone's wife's best friend.
He's appeared before blaming women for creating an environment conducive to domestic violence
Does it ever occur to any of you cretins that women do some of these things because so many men are useless sacks of crap, like yourself?
*Present company excluded, of course
You know, David, there is a difference between "dressing like a whore" as you put it, and actually being a "whore." There is a difference. (That being said, I don't have a problem with people dressing how they want to, and think that women ought to be allowed to be prostitutes if they choose to do so.)
And gee, you know, most people can look at someone they find attractive, and not become a blithering sex-obsessed moron. I hardly expect anyone to have a "clean" mind since your definition of "clean" is probably "doesn't think about sex or anything vaguely sexual ever -- unless one's spouse is involved." And that is a bloody stupid expectation to have of anyone.
I think I qualify under the general category of "American women" and I think your expectations are ridiculous and moronic. Your obsession with how other people dress themselves is rather creepy, to say the least. Moreover, it seems like you want to control how other people express themselves, their sex lives, and even what they think about. That moves you well beyond creepy into the realm of disgusting.
Hey David you say gossiping is a sin and yet you gossip about and generalize women! You quote on quote say, "American women are the ultimate HYPOCRITES!" Really? Isn't that gossip? Who is the REAL hypocrite here? Try looking at YOUR OWN sins instead of others and I think...that your the hypocriteeee! So please do SHUT...UP ABOUT demonizing WOMEN!!!!
David J. Stewart
Stay away from me
Arrogant bastard
Better let me be
Stop complaining 'bout my clothes
I don't wanna hear your whine no more
Don't you have something better to do
Than bitch about things not involving you
Hey David
Get away
Ignorant asshole
That's what we say
American women dress like whores and all their friends dress like whores? Who are these friends, if they are not American women? Canadian women? American men?
Judging by official statistics, more women than men are being abused by their husbands, than the other way around. How is it HYPOCRITICAL to divorce an abusive husband? The higher rate could also be due to the men leaving the home after finding a younger woman, and the women filing for divorce from those adulterous men.
Little whores? LITTLE whores? Are all American women petite or what?
My husband would like me to dress a little "lighter".
"They dress like whores, and all their friends dress like whores, and then they expect their husbands to have clean minds. It doesn't work that way. What do you expect when little whores are being flaunted all over the place in men's faces?"
Well, Davey-boy, unlike some so-called 'men' we'd like to mention, at least the vast majority of males who inhabit Planet Reality possess something that's part of the psychological makeup of all normal, decent, civilised men - which can be summed up in just two words:
Self control.
Which - by your own admission on that day in Guam's courts - you don't possess. Here is a prime example of the clear and present danger to society that right-wing Fundamental ist Christianity represents; and - even if they moan, bitch, whine, 'BAWWWWWWW!' etc about 'Persecution' (as in not allowed to Persecute anyone not exactly like them) must be completely annihilated by the 'nuclear warhead' of hyper-draconic 'Political Correctness' legislation. As in being forced to be tolerant of those not exactly like them - in word, action and thought .
And as far as I'm concerned, there can never be enough anti-fundie Thoughtcrime legislation.
"They dress like whores, and all their friends dress like whores, and then they expect their husbands to have clean minds.”
As does God, doesn’t He?
If the things you look at drive you to sin, you’re supposed to pluck out your eyes. The problem is YOU and your inability to control yourself.
Not what they’re wearing.
If you were really trying to be like Jesus, fuckwit, you’d be working on shoring up your grip on yourself, not whining about what others do to you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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