Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Next time you visit fast-food chain McDonalds, KFC or Burger King; take time to ponder the source – where does the meat comes from? Is it really pork, chicken or beef as they say it is?

Actually it is not what you think it is.

Chances are what you are eating is meat bio-engineered in a lab in Plum Island, that too with human DNA. So essentially you may very well be eating your own kind. This is the reason why Mark Zuckerberg kills animals by himself before consuming it, that way he can confirm the source. As a young initiate to the NWO elitist system, he only recently learned the protocols of his serpentine extra-terrestrial masters of the NWO. The so-called masters who the banker-elitists serve are nefillim (mixed breed), being not fully human; and hence do not mind eating, abusing, raping and indeed sacrificing mankind. Their human puppets know they will be re-incarnated into this planet; in order to repay for their bad karma. Hence they avoid meat. Steve Jobs knew this, but paid a terrible price for refusing to play with the elitists agenda. He became a vegetarian early on as well so as to free himself. It is not that we must be vegetarian, but that we should not consume our own kind, of course.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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