GodBTrue@yahoo.com #fundie jesussaidwhat.com

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:
The Abraham Accords commissioned by Trump and authored by his "prince" most likely started the final seven years before Our Lord Jesus' Triumphant Return. This covenant was initiated in September, 2020 and more and more Arab/Muslim nations are confirming it. Nine nations have confirmed the covenant to date and growing with the first Arab/Muslim nation confirming this treaty with Israel on September 15th, 2020.

The latest nations considering membership in these Accords proves that after more than three years the Accords are here to stay. Once Saudi Arabia joins, several other Arab nations will follow.

More and more nations have moved their embassies following Donald Trump's lead, to Jerusalem preparing the way for the beast to declare Jerusalem the "Capital" of the world. Israel wants this peace treaty to grow and include all Arab nations. Note: Media in Israel and throughout the middle east cover story after story about the Abraham Accords but by design, western media will not report on the Abraham Accords for a reason. Satan knows westerners are predominantly Christian and these Abraham Accords if reported upon properly would be a "sign" of the end for them and trust this folks, Satan doesn't want you to watch and pray or prepare yourselves in any way for Christ's Return.

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: Note: The Lord doesn't say BEFORE one week; He says "for one week".

Many believe that the Israeli Messiah is alive: Please see our Who is the beast page for the links supporting this claim.

Israel recently announced that their Messiah is now here and they're going to reveal him soon. This means that the Antichrist is likely about to be brought onto the world stage.

Interesting note: God knows it is a seven year treaty and we by faith believe Him. The Edomites and surrounding Arab nations however have no idea it will last just seven years. So please don't keep an eye out for a "Seven year peace treaty" as it's title. Ideas like that are designed by Satan to keep the weeds, weeds and to never allow them to be God's "wheat".




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