Jesus4mankind #fundie
The America I remember and love best is the America that understood the value of Christian prayer in its public schools, and also pledged national-allegiance every morning at the school flag pole!
Christian America has always been one nation under the God of Israel (and moronic liberal youth are blind to this wonderful fact). The greatness of America will return after God deals with all the lawless reprobates. The liberal media is a propaganda machine that tries very hard to tell everybody that America isn't a Christian Nation but contrary to Marxist media hype, the phone books of every major American city contain long lists of every kind of Christian church imaginable! And this tells me that the liberal atheistic media is full of deception and a menace to America's people.
The liberal media attacks us with lies because they are trying to make us doubt what is true, because if we believe we're not a Christian nation we will stop being one, which is what Marxists want. And if we allow them to fool us we will become passive and allow them to speed up their agenda to demolition all of our ancient landmarks that designate us as a Christian nation and a Christian people.(...)
All who fear God must not let them get away with saying that America is not a Christian Nation, it is obvious that it is because its foundation, which they are trying to destroy, is Christian. We Christians who fear God are America's salt, it is our Christianity that is impeding the liberal moral rot which is paving the way for more sodomites and baby killers to have their way with our nation's youth. If you doubt that America is a Christian Nation read the last words of Patric Henry below: