@ 'Giveitaday', a.k.a. Troy-boy the eternal LIAR
So your hijacking FSTDTers' names continues, instead of you using your own. Lying hypocritical thief, much?
Using nicknames here, whereas use of such on your own Biblocality forum is forbidden, and can incur at least an infraction? Naughty boy, that's hypocrisy - and Jesus hates hypocrites like you. Ergo you're going to Hell. QED.
Using other FSTDTers' names as your own? That's stealing. Remember the 8th Commandment?:
8- Thou shalt not steal.
Ergo you're going to Hell. QED.
And posting your lies using the pseudonyms of existing FSTDT commenters? Who clearly (and by their past comments) don't believe in your lies? Remember the 9th Commandment:
9- Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Ergo you're going to Hell. QED.
Three blatant examples of you going against your own God's Commandments. So by your own standards, you're a bad man going to Hell.
Q.E.D. Bitch.
PS- Oh, and don't bother using my name in one of your hit & run trolling escapades, making out it's me. My thoughts & attitudes towards fundies (especially you) are well known here. Especially those of Giveitaday, the commenter whose name you dared to use as your own, and to spread your poisonous lies.
Just as your 'God' is the ultimate hypocrite (going against his own 6th Commandment):
So are you. And after the scandals with the likes of Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Faggard, Kent Hovind, Tony Alamo et al (all of whom referred to non-Christians as 'sinners'), I'm afraid that all fundies - especially you, Troy-boy - now only have the right to refer to we Atheists as purer than Jesus (certainly morally superior to your so-called 'God'), and sinless in perpetuity. Because we Atheists aren't 'sinners'. After all, 'Sin' is defined in any dictionary as committing crimes against divine law. Or contravening the moral standards of a deity(ies). But since we Atheists don't acknowledge the existence of a 'God', therefore we can't be sinners.
We Atheists certainly have higher moral standards than your 'God'. Just read the Old Testament for proof (and see above pic). Ergo, we Atheists are superior to your 'God'.