[Why openly gay people cannot serve in the US military.]
Because if you haven't noticed, Christians in the military pray before missions and atheists and gays don't pray and it doesn't help the unit be close and if you did let them in, but segregated them they would be terrible units for one and they would complain about that too.
"Because if you haven't noticed, Christians in the military pray before missions and atheists and gays don't pray"
In that case, I'd rather have a full atheist military. They'll be working hard, knowing they have to work to win. The Christians will just pray and hope God takes care of it. And how do you know gays don't pray, anyway?
" and it doesn't help the unit be close and if you did let them in, but segregated them they would be terrible units for one and they would complain about that too."
Then it's the fault of the ones complaining that they can't work together.
@Doctor Whom:
Yeah, maybe it's the openly religious we should worry about.
After all, homosexuals don't have the same risk of going around trying to convert people, wasting time praying, or assuming God will help them in battle the way fundies would.
Christians in the military *force* everyone to pray, and this is approved from the top down. This is a violation of the First Amendment, in that Government is endorsing a specific religion. We should just ban Christians from serving, unless they can prove their religion won't get in the way.
their uniforms would be fantastic, if it was good enough Alexander the Great, the best military roman Emperor's Trajan & Hadrian, and we all know Julius Caesar & Mark Antony liked it both ways , then it it seems a good idea to me.
Wait...so you mean that praying is the only thing that unify an army? Eh...what ever. Ban atheists and gays from the army then, and we can watch faithful Christians like you can march onward to their gleeful demises, in order to continue the war that Christians started anyway. It works for me.
Guess what? Your enemies in Iraq are praying as well...to a different god.
Judging by the results, their god must be tougher than your god.
Gays just don't do well in a military environment. You know, like Alexander the Great, Richard the Lion Heart, guys like that.
If GG&G had served, it was never in a combat unit. It was not whether your buddy is gay, an atheist, or a Christian. It is whether he had your back or not. It was competence, trust, and belief in each other that held a unit together.
Strange as it may seem, you may not even like each other outside in the world. I wouldn't have trusted someone who put more faith in his god than in his rifle.
You have never been in the army. Otherwise, you'd have remarked that they enlist Muslim, buddist, wiccan and atheist soldiers, to begin with. If it's not divisive, tell me what it is.
Let me guess, GGandG's military service involves "Medal of Honor" on his gameboy. Grow up kid, nobody cares about the other guy(or girl)'s sex life or religion(or lack there of), just whether they will cover your back in an alley, not cut and run under fire, and keep awake on their watch to keep you from "waking up with your throat cut". Nothing wrong with praying before(or quietly during) a mission, but it is optional(and less important than clean weapons and full canteens).
"They don't allow gay people in the military. They're wasting an excellent opportunity, man! They say the most important thing in combat is the element of surprise. How much more surprising can you get than the First Battalion Transvestite Brigade? Airborne Wing! With fantastic makeup, and a fantastic gun!"
Thank you, Mr. Izzard.
As Sun Tzu said: "Good iron is not used for nails and good men are not used for soldiers."
So, put all the Fundies on the front lines!
Osiris wrote:
"The US Army exists to protect the American freedoms..."
If by "American freedoms" you mean the "privileges of the ruling elite", then I agree. Otherwise...
There was a gay Marine in my unit. We all knew, he told us, we didn't care. Why not? This guy had a Bronze Star... totally fearless, the type of man I would want next to me at the onset of any engagement. He was also an officer... and a christian. A kick in the nuts there?
so they shouldn't be allowed in because they don't pray to the christian god? neither to Hindus, Muslims, Jews, santerians, wiccans, pagans, Buddhists, etc.
funny then, that we allow them into the military and no one cares. that shouldn't be happening according to you.
“Because if you haven't noticed, Christians in the military pray before missions”
yes, and they’re annoying as fuck.
I don’t care if you pray, but when you make a point of ME SEEING that you’re praying, it’s just virtue signalling. When you make me stop my preparations so that you can hold your prayer, it’s showboating.
I love the scene in Ice Station Zebra. massive flooding, the sub’s headed to the ocean deep, the helmsman starts praying.
CO: Hold it down, son, we’re trying to work, here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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