We are the Nephilim. Surely Adam was created as a giant.
A Discovery Channel (don't criticize me on that; I don't agree with evolution) documentary showed that most species before the dinosaurs were giants. So why can't humans have been giants?
It might be more ridiculous then aliens and angels, but I think it's more biblical.
Then why have we not found bones from giant humans?
Also, NO, MOST species that have existed were quite small. Many PREDATORS are quite large, particularly those at the top of the food chain.
Discovery, Discovery, Discovery...why, oh why, do you keep catering to the lunatic fringe?
Love it.
Humans were giants before the dinosaurs. That's reasonable and rational. Not as reasonable or rational as aliens and angels, but still rational.
Humans evolving from an ape-like creature over millions of years? Now that's stupid. You'd have to be a moron to believe that.
"most species before the dinosaurs were giants. So why can't humans have been giants?"
So somebody discovered a really big fossilized bone and came to the conclusion that there once were giant humans.
What are these species that were giants before dinosaurs?
Early peoples also discovered huge mastodon skulls. These skulls had small insignificant eye sockets, but a huge opening for the trunk. It looked like it came from a one-eyed giant. Can anyone guess what ancient writers made of this seeming cyclops?
It might be more ridiculous then aliens and angels, but I think it's more biblical.
Yes it is more ridiculous, and you have made yourself look stupider for saying it.
Surely Adam was created as a giant.
So Mud Man and Rib Woman were 50 feet tall, eh? Chapter and verse or it didn't happen.
>It might be more ridiculous then aliens and angels, but I think it's more biblical. <
Oh, sure, it's beyond minus-I.Q.-stoopit, and batshit fucking insane, but I believe it anyway. I worked for a fundy who would say about things, "Oh, I know it's like this , but I believe it's like this . Belief trumps knowledge.
I just find it hilarious that they can't even mention the Discovery Channel without a disclaimer. That's comedy gold.
So Adam was a giant? So then what happened to make us so small? We didn't evolve , now, did we?
I think I'm going to go watch the Science Channel just to piss them off.
In other words, I realize how bat-shit ridiculous and bizarre this bullshit is, but it's biblical, so it's a-okay.
The Discovery Channel isn't a good place to get scientific information. I mean, it gives all that air time to long-debunked theories and pseudoscience...
If you can find an article about this in a peer-reviewed scientific journal then it'd lend some weight to your theory.
"We are the Nephilim"
You've been reading too much "Necrophim" in "2000 AD", jpark43.
Comics != Reality. Oh, but silly me, you believe the Bible is fact. Thus your BS about 'giants'.
"Surely Adam was created as a giant."
"No he wasn't and don't call me Shirley."
'Come quickly! There's a wild-eyed man chasing the moneylenders out of the temple!'
'The temple?! What is it?'
'It's a big building with priests, but that's not important right now.'
A Discovery Channel ... documentary showed that most species before the dinosaurs were giants.
If you think that, you weren't watching carefully. There were certainly some large animals during the early Devonian, due, it's thought, to unusually high oxygen levels. But there were no humans around back then. And humans and other land vertebrates wouldn't be much affected by oxygen levels anyway, since, unlike the giant arthropods and mollusks of the time, they have efficient lungs and circulatory systems. The oxygen levels were actually low during the heyday of the giant dinosaurs.
jpark43 says: "A Discovery Channel (don't criticize me on that; I don't agree with evolution)"
If you dont agree with it... believe in it... or like the idea of it.. then please tell me WHY... OH WHY... are you using the Discovery channel and this SCIENTIFIC fact to aid your BIBLICAL CREATIONIST THEORY? Furthermore... why are you even WATCHING that channel? Dont you know its blasphemous to your God? LOL XD
Actually, most of the species before the dinosaurs weren't giants, but nice try.
At any rate, humans evolved long AFTER the dinosaurs went extinct. Several hundred million years after, in fact.
"It might be more ridiculous then aliens and angels, but I think it's more biblical."
So more ridiculous = more biblical? I can certainly agree with you there.
Regarding jpark43's appearance here: Being quoted on this site doesn't make you "reputable". It just exposes your stupidity to a wider audience.
Why do fundies think being quoted here gives them an (undeserved) air of legitimacy? Personally, I'd be embarrassed, not proud, to have a quote of mine featured here. I guess negative attention is better than none at all.
It might be more ridiculous then aliens and angels, but I think it's more biblical.
Believe in the Bile; it's even more ridiculous than angels and aliens! Good selling point.
If I may comment purely on this part: "So why can't humans have been giants?
It might be more ridiculous then aliens and angels, but I think it's more biblical."
There are genetic peculiarities in certain people that cause them to grow to great heights. It is entirely possible that this genetic trait existed in bilical times. It doesn't prove any fundie theist notions of course!
Because it's not biologically feasible for humans to grow that large?
And, ya know. we didn't exist back then.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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