“Top scholars, historians and experts have confirmed that the Bible is the most historically and intellectually reliable ancient text in the whole world, including the Bible’s account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and disciples who wrote the New Testament documents.”
merciful mother!!
assertion <> proof
I can assert that the world is flat, and if I'm famous or powerful enough, it will be believed (or agreed to).
It still isbn't true.
You brain-dead moronic waste of space and resource
Top theologists, creationists and experts have confirmed that Fanatic-Templar is god.
Said Fanatic-Templar about these findings: "Well, my credibility's been shot to Udûn."
"The Bible's account of the life and teachings of Jesus"?????
Then why do we hear nothing about him between birth and age 27?
Why do the gospels according to Mark and Luke offer two completely different geneologies of Jesus himself?
Forget inconsistency with scientific and historical knowledge; even within the Bible, it's at best inconsistent, at worst, wholly unreliable.
Two words.
If this were true, it would mean that we are in a sad, sad state of affairs. Fortunately, it is not.
Top scholars, historians and experts [Within the church] have confirmed that the Bible is the most historically and intellectually reliable ancient text in the whole world [Because anything else would be betraying to the faith], including the Bible’s account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ [by ignoring the contradictions] and the apostles and disciples who wrote [Multiple rants and letters that someone deemed must be logical to put in the bible while omitting other ones] the New Testament documents.
[] representing the bits cut out to make this more 'factual'
...the Bible’s account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ...
The Bible has a few stories from the childhood of Jesus, and then skips ahead to his 30th year. After that, 3 years are sketchily filled in and the other 30 are not mentioned in any fashion whatsoever.
“Top scholars, historians and experts have confirmed that the Bible is the most historically and intellectually unreliable ancient text in the whole world, including the Bible’s account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and disciples who wrote the New Testament documents.”
Number of legs on insects? Bible says 4, we say 6. Guess who is right?
Bats being birds? Bible says yes, we say "no wai".
Historical accuracy = zero...
You are neither a top scholar, an historian nor an expert, Andy, so what you confirm or don't confirm has no merit outside Conservapedia. Sorry...
The Bible isn't even ONE ancient text, stupid. It's a number of different texts in several different languages. Learned theologians (real ones, not Conservapedia dolts) are constantly debating which ones ought to be included in "The Bible".
You do know that the book known as the Bible has four different (as in "really different") accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and disciples, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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