"atheistic science has no plausible theory for the origin of the Moon, and the lunar landing disproved all of its prior theories."
(On the Moon Landing):
'It is a magnificent testimony to the evolution of humankind'
-Dr. Buzz Aldrin, a Presbyterian Christian, who performed the first religious ceremony (Soon after landing the LEM 'Eagle') on another world.
Fact: Andy Schaftafly is a Young Earth Creationist; also a Bible literalist, re. Genesis, as opposed to Evolution, the latter being anathema to him.
Fact: the Genesis Rock was brought back from the Moon. When analysed, it was found to be exactly the same age as Earth: 4.5 billion years.
Dr. Buzz Aldrin is a Conservative Christian. I doubt even you would dare to so much as think of questioning his perspective on all things NASA, especially the Apollo missions - which said Genesis Rock's journey to Earth was an important part of. Least of all his unique perspective; he's one of a select few who have been there, you haven't Andy, therefore not even you have the right to think of questioning him (the last one who did, got decked by Dr. Aldrin).
Yet, as a space scientist, he hasn't questioned the veracity of the results of said analysis of that 'Genesis Rock' brought back by one of his fellow Apollo astronauts. The fact I've yet to hear him doubt the fact that is the Big Bang proves that he can reconcile his Christian faith with scientific evidence: Astronomical/Cosmological. And, via the above quote, Biological fact too.
Which makes the above link to the page on Conservapoodia about Dr. Aldrin - pointing out that aspect of his actions immediately piloting the LEM 'Eagle' onto the Moon - all the more ironic.
Quite the paradox just that quote by Dr. Aldrin alone creates for you, re. your own doctrine, o Andy Schaftafly. And speaking of proof, clicking on the 'Talk' page of that linked entry:
'There is currently no text in this page'
...what, no questions? Ideas? 'Opinions'? No. Because you daren't. Like I say: quite the doctrinal paradox he represents, eh Andy Schaftafly?! You daren't even think of anything to say on the 'Talk' page for the entry on Mercury astronaut John Glenn - and he's a Democrat.
If you haven't got the 'Right Stuff' to question their beliefs that don't conform precisely to yours, then you have no right to even your 'beliefs' to the contrary, because Dr. Aldrin destroys yours (http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3412241&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=334#post436030782)*. By you not questioning him & his beliefs to his face, you are forced to admit he - and therefore Atheist science - is right, and you're wrong in word, action & thought.
...yet, he's a Conservative Christian.
There's that nasty paradox Dr. Aldrin represents. And it's not going away, neither...! >:D
*- This post in SA perhaps goes some way to explain how, in Fundieville, there are those who claim to be 'Protestants' yet are out-catholicising the Catholics, re. abortion & contraception. Well, they love to cherrypick from the Bible too. After all, for the sake of their 'beliefs' continued existence, they have no choice but to do so.
Even Sedevacantists have convictions. Including those in Scotland.