DebatesNotBans #sexist

I dont identify as incel\robot, but I have lurked\contributed to the scene for many, many years now.

Throughout the years, I've gathered some female """friends""" I occasionally hang out and talk about anime\games with. I achieved this through my extremely good personality and understanding of (socially retaraded) women in general.

One girl in particular stood out, however. Over the many years I'd known her, she would drop "hints" of interest. One time, she said she "came to classe sjust to see me", and at a few points, we got to casually discussing how life would be like if we got married. Point being, she said a LOT of intimate shit to subtly show interest.

I had met this girl when I was in middle school, and I had known her for over 10 years at this point. One day, she seemed especially in a romanatic mood, so I confidently asked her out romantically, and she quickly accepted.

A few days later, she was telling me about how she told all her friends about "us". Here's the kicker: About one week after her accepting, she said she wanted to "call this off". She wanted to stop being "official". We havent spoken or seen each other IRL since.

And that was it. Over 10 years of her showing increasingly higher levels of interest. Over 10 years of "building rapport", for about 7 days of being "official", before she -for some reason no doubt unrelated to looks- decided she didnt want it anymore. This didnt exactly phase me though, as I had already digested hundreds of Blackpills. (And I could very easily see this coming)

So, that's my [Looks + Personality] score. 10years x 52weeks = 520 weeks of building rapport for 1 week of GF. That's a 1/520 = ~0.192% "Rapport-to-relationship" ratio. Not even 1\5th of a percent. Beautiful.

MORAL OF THE STORY: You can have THE best personality in the world, and you can MAYBE find a few women who are slightly more interesting than a brick wall. But if your looks arent good enough, they'll NEVER want a relationship with you. Even the ugliest, least physically and mentally attractive women will think you're disgusting to be with. All that personality you've built will mean NOTHING once she looks at your fucking face and body and decides you're "not good enough".

I'm not even mad at this point. I just think they're being retarded. They could be happy with someone they actually connect with, but "OH NO WAIT HOLD UP, the guy's physical appearence isnt 8\10+, so ewwwwww!"

OR, maybe I'm completely wrong. CMV, IT lurkers. I'm listening.

Edit: Oh and please forgive my massive wall of text. I'm fucking stupid, please be patient.



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