Evolution began then because trillions of atomic sized magnetic (Higgs) forces spewed out of the sun and came to planet Earth. It is likely that they were piggy-backed by hydrogen atoms which are there nearest relative and which were being made in superabundance at the stars surface...when the, now, eleven year cycle of its day kicked out a load of solar mass that didn't sit well within a fast-breeding hydrogen furnace.
So...here they are on planet Earth following all the chemistry that their hydrogen counterparts were following but with the potential to pair up together and begin life...and begin life they certainly did.
So...in the beginning there were trillions upon trillions of them and they were able to conjure up huge masses of each species according to their struggles, all bringing in the chemistry and atomic advantage that their various environments offered.
Like the human race today they soon began to live life to the max and waste their Higgs but this just spread them around more thinly so that the power of evolution quickly become a struggle and a hunt for the Higgs living cell force that had been so foolishly wasted.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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