Doctors from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have stated that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols. For example, one speech declared, "a light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, 'I have to vote for Barack.'"[21]
The "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons?" Is that kind of like the "American College of Pediatricians?"
You know, one of those official-sounding medical organizations that is, in fact, a fundie alternative to the real professional group?
Heh citation needed, buddy. And not some Fundie doctor out in Podunk, USA.
And also, you guys are fucking nutcases.
The "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons" is a joke started by some "John Birch Society" member doctors and is currently run by a homeschool curriculum advisor. It is as much a true representation of doctors as Conservapedia is of a real encyclopedia. In short, it is a group of right-wing liars hoping to fool rubes.
The citation is an anonymously published article in a journal Aschlafly works for.
Reliable reporting, there.
When will Conservapedia learn that the truth doesn't have a "liberal bias". If you expect people to take your wikipedia knockoff even slightly seriously then perhaps it would be a good idea not allow your articles to be filled with personal opinions, unsupported claims, and outright lies. If Wikipedia and other online encyclopedia's truly have a "liberal bias" then wouldn't you be able to prove that using the truth rather than misinformation?
Just some advice that I know they won't take because conservapedia is little more than racial/ethnic/religious slurs, blind assertion, and anonymous personal attacks pretending to be a real encyclopedia. I feel sorry for the people who stumble upon it and naive enough to think that anything even resembling truth is to be found there.
Well, FOXGOPNEWS have used mind-control for so long that they figure Obama, having been successful, used the same tricks as they do.
AAPS ain't credible except to conservatards.
"I loved it, it was much better than Cats. I'm going to see it again and again..."
(old Saturday Night Live skit, but apropos here...)
Actually "I have to vote for Barack." is what occurred to me after McCain picked a greedy witch-hunting lunatic creationist quitter with fake glasses for his VP running mate.
I originally intended to write in Paris Hilton.
Nitpicking: Aren't most surgeons physicians?
And shouldn't you be asking psychologists for things like mind control?
All commercials also use some kind of mind control, otherwise it wouldn't work.
Let's ban all commercials!
"Doctors from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have stated that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols."
Even my anus is aching in sympathy from you lot at Conservapoodia pulling that whopper from out your collective arse.
Keep it up, Andy Schaftafly. The more bullshit you post on Conservapoodia only serves to increase Wikipedia's credibility.
@a mind far far away
"You have to have one hell of a mental problem to actually think that they are right about anything."
Conservapoodia is nothing more than a crusty old sock in HTML form for Andy Schaftafly to verbally crack one off into (and on a regular basis). Just as Biblocality is for T**y B****s.
Is the "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons" the one that publishes the "Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons" critiqued by Steven Dutch in 'A Global Warming Counterfeit'[1]? Because if it is, they are not to be trusted on or with anything political. In fact, according to Steven Dutch, it is entirely possible that the most scientific article ever published in JAPS was a paper on global warming in which the interpretation of the data was severely at odds with (among other things) the data itself, the accepted rules of statistics (eg, regarding Table 1), the accepted characterisation of coal as, among other things, containing carbon (in fact, coal is considered a hydrocarbon created from simpler monomers by random thermobaric condensation[2]), and itself (eg, figure 20).
Therefore, JAPS is nowhere near a trustworthy source.
[2] ("Example chemical structure of coal")
Oh wait, lemme try something !
"a light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, 'I have to give Big One 1 trillion $.'"
*Checking my bank account*
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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