Though European dragons are almost always regarded as evil, or at the least mere predators, dragons in Eastern mythology tend to be regarded as divine creatures, as often benevolent as neutral or evil
Wow... Conservapedia has an amazing grasp of the obvious, Though if it were anywhere else it wouldn't be all that impressive.
It is possible that this is because after the Great Flood, predatory, carnivorous dinosaurs tended to migrate westward, whereas large, plant-eating dinosaurs tended to migrate east from Mt. Ararat.
Not sure if your aware of this, but just making shit up as you go along is not how an encyclopedia works. Where do you come up with this shit? It's not as if you have the slightest factual basis for any of it. Young earth creationism seems to be little mote than 1 part Genesis 1 and 9 parts brainless fanfic.
This is what Paleocons actually believe.
If you are refering to paleoconservatives then that's not always true, Paleocons (At least the ones that I know) tend to be representative of the old right, from the days before the republicans turned into the party of hatred, xeno/homophobia, and jacking off for jesus. Paleocons tend to be more like libertarians than modern day republicans, none of the ones that I know buy into YEC, or even OEC, though they do trend towards conspiracy theory.