If you want to accuse God of being sexist, be my guest. One could say that He was quite sexist. He created man first and only created woman later to help Adam. It was Eve that sinned first and so God was sexist and decided that women would suffer the pains of childbirth. In my book if God wants to be sexist, that's His right as our creator.
PreachersWife2004: ...and if I roll over, Dear Husband, you can slit my throat and kick me in the stomach at the same time!
Preacher: Shut up, bitch, and get me some pie!
Well...she's honest. God IS sexist.
Now get back in the kitchen, woman, and bring me a sandwich! And a beer! XD
Your god is sexist, immoral, unjust, barbaric, an asshole, and a mean drunk.
Enjoy :)
Get back in the kitchen, pop another kid, and quit with the preaching.
A good Christian wife is to be silent, remember?
Okay...that's one just, loving Creator you got there...
Just because he has the "right" to do whatever the hell he wants doesn't mean he should, especially if he is supposed the paragon of love, goodness, virtue, wisdom, and fairness. He has the right to be sexist, but if he indulges in it, how do you go about reconciling that with the idea that he is perfect?
While you wrapping that around your head, you can go back to having no career, no role outside of homemaker and childbearer,spending your Sundays silent, and your nighttime in uncomfortable lingerie, and slowly ponder why you think that this is the only life that women should be allowed to have.
"He created man first and only created woman later to help Adam"
Again, a fundy admits God made a flawed creation. Man- the highest being on earth, made in the image of God himself, can't cope on his own, so God thinks "This new creation is a mess. I'd better release a patch." And so Woman v1.0 was released, only to cause the entire system to crash. This was because Eve was Windows while Eden was Apple.
Fnar fnar!
Ok, and why aren't all men working as farmers?, or didn't God curse them with that?. And did he curse too all female mammals?, just a guess. And by the way, if he make the woman to be Adam's helpmet, why is that that the role of men is secondary in reproduction than women?. Think about that, they would die off without them.
He was so intelligent that he created man first but didn't give him a clue of how to reproduce or live by himself. And he was so smart that he created first the earth and the elements over where he should rule. He was so smart that he gave the man a herlper to do what exactly?, and he was, nonetheless, the best of the two. And Eve sinned first, as if that was that important, because a snake spoke. Now, if you haven't seen anything strange, it's because you don't understand that Genesis is a MYTH, and that it's sexist because the people who invented it were SEXISTS.
@ Princess Rot:
Good thought there.
In my book ...
You have a book?
Sexism is nothing to be proud of.
Poor, poor Eve. Why don't you fundies ever consider that the master tempter, the incarnation of all evil on earth, is MALE? Does the name Satan ring a bell? Satan, who actually was the first one to disobey God and was banished for it, Satan who deliberately tricked Eve (but had to argue with her first before he could fully persuade her, which is probably why he chose her over Adam), Satan who tried to tempt Jesus? If all women are blameworthy because of Eve, then shouldn't all men be blameworthy because of Satan (and the brainless stupidity of Adam, who took the apple from Eve without a peep of protest)?
And I'll say this again. When all men decide to quit their jobs and start working in the fields by hand, then you can talk about Eve's curse of childbirth. Until then, shut the heck up.
Mad and fundie, but not internally inconsistent. All you have to do to make this internally consistent is to argue that God's standards, prerogatives, and moral guides aren't the same as those for humans, much like our own are dissimilar from animals.
Still pretty sad tho'.
Actually, the first biblical creation myth suggests that men and women were created at the same time (after the animals were created). It is only the second myth which has "the woman" being created after Adam (whose creation preceded hers and that of the animals).
For a preacher's wife, you don't seem to know your bible very well. Maybe you should ask your husband about it. After he gets home from, uh, "ministering" to the Sunday school teacher that is.
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