"You still won't admit that the vast majority of inventions have been American?"
Beer: ancient Sumeria
The Steam engine: James Watt (UK)
The Electric motor: Michael Faraday (UK)
The Vacuum Cleaner: Hubert Cecil Booth (UK)
The internal combustion engine: Samuel Brown (UK); Patented and mass-produced: Karl Benz (Germany)
Radar: Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (UK)
The Jet Engine: Frank Whittle (UK)
The first jet airliner (deHavilland Comet): UK
The first supersonic airliner (Concorde): France/UK
Stereo sound: Alan Blumlein (UK)
Holograms: Dennis Gábor (UK)
Pocket Calculator: Clive Sinclair (UK)
Electronic Digital watch: Clive Sinclair (UK)
Pocket Television: Clive Sinclair (UK)
Creating Stable materials for LCD displays: George Gray & Ken Harrison (UK)
Fibre optics in telecommunications: Charles K. Kao & George Hockham (UK)
Concept of telecommunications satellites: Arthur C. Clarke (UK)
The Hovercraft: Christopher Cockerill (UK)
The Television: John Logie Baird (UK)
Viagra: messrs. Dunn, Wood, Terrett (Pfizer, UK)
First programming language: Charles Babbage & Ada Lovelace (UK)
The digital computer: Colossus (UK), Z1 (Germany).
Concept of the Computer Operating System: Alan Turing (UK)
First Supercomputer (Atlas): UK
The concept of large-scale networking of computers (before ARPANET): Belgium.
Architecture of ARM CPUs (used in 98% of all mobile phones and all smartphones): UK
First digital media player (audio; MP3s): Kane Kramer (UK)
The WWW: Tim Berners-Lee (UK)
I love the smell of destroyed arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
"Look, you have free will to deny basic facts, but your denial is astounding...."
Here is Andy Schaftafly's current location:
"If you were genuinely interested in logic, then you'd spend some time reading or translating the Bible, the most logical book of all."
The way you are? PROTIP: Once you get to Revelation 22:18-19, you're fucked. Scholars/theology professors, to say nothing of the rest of the mainstream of the right-wing Fundamentalist Christian establishment in the US, who'll critically and literally tear you a new one, Andy.
"But I suspect you're more interested in trying to reject the Bible than giving it equal time in your activities. Am I right?"
I already have done in the past. Cover to cover. And (from your point of view) that's the problem (again, from your point of view). Ergo my being an Atheist. QED.
["I'm Plymouth Brethren, rejecting the bible isn't in my "Modus Operandi"]
(*Puts hands to face, palms outwards, fingers down; wiggles fingers*)
'Oooooh, Modus Operandi!' X3
[/Fast Show]