Something else is an exclusively White Ethnostate which has as its fundamental and unbreakable foundation, a new system of government that places the preservation of White European people as its #1, non-negotiable, most important criteria.
And, which prohibits residency of race treasonous white cockroaches like Juan McCain, Lindsey Graham, the entire despicably evil Bush family, the equally race traitorous Paul family, and every other one of these RINOs and Neo-Cons who've been supporting open borders immigration policies and the deliberate, genocidal, race replacement policies of the multi-cultural enemy, who's identity we all are so keenly aware of, but are not supposed to ever name.
Oh, and Mr. Engelman is also included on the list of prohibited residency applicants.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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