Jazzy Network #fundie neogaf.com

15-year old girl gang-raped near high school after homecoming dance

I can't find a single shred of fault on the girls part. Lock these kids up or remove their penises.

Other than the fact that she willingly drank alcohol at an illegal age? Don't give me that.

Question, fellas: What would have been your reaction towards her if she were your daughter/sister?

Stupid question. Better question. What if your son was one of those rapists? You gonna send him to jail?

If I had a son who took part in the gang-rape of a young girl, I'd drive him to jail myself.

Sorry, but I believe you like I believe in Santa Claus being real.

You wouldn't turn in your child if they were guilty of rape? Love or not, the law applies to everybody, and if my child is unstable enough to rape somebody, who's to say that they won't hurt me in some way?

Um fuck no. If I had a son I would do anything to keep him out of jail. I don't want him to lose 5 years of his life in some pisshole no matter what he did. Why do you think people's parents go kill people who rape/kill their kids? They would do anything for them



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