'reptoids'' or (evil spirits/jinnis/booths) are sentient, malevolent spirit beings that prey on humans, they are parasitic in nature and can latch on to peoples minds. This is most often the true cause for schizophrenia, ocds, and other mental disorders. Reptoids as parasitical beings can merge their minds with that of their physical ''host'', who as a result would then experience mostly horrible thoughts as if they were their own. In reality they are simply getting a glimpse into the dark minds of an interdimensional being. Sometimes more than one reptoid latches on to a human, like leeches they will gorge on the life force of their host and release their own filth back into their host, which often results in ''crazy behaviour''. Sometimes they can do it subtly and allow their host to function normally, though proof of reptoid activity can manifest from time to time. Examples would be bizarre pop stars like lady gaga (also google beyonces alter ego- a definite case of reptoids working through humans), bizarre other worldly art (H.r.giger, z.bekinsky), etc,
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