archaeologist2 #fundie
non-christian arguments can sound convincing IF youlisten to them. one key is if they bring a different gospel, thatn Jesus and the apostles then yu know you do not have to listen to them.
also, if they contradict the Bible do not listen to them. i do not care which subject it is in but if it disagrees with the Bible, it isn't the Bible that is wrong. most christians do not realize how weak the non-believing arguments are. if you stick with the truth, you will fine, the secular world does not have the truth and it doesn't take much to thwart them.
just ask them for credible physical proof for their arguments and you will usually get the run around or conjecture, or theories and not once can they point to anything real, credible or even authrentic to backup their position.
they do not have any and they will point to people like wm. dever, israel finkelstein, or some other non-believing scholar, who do not have proof for their theories either and who reject large amounts of scripture to make their ideas work.