they were right to do this.
please think of the child!!
how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?
the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works, would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person.
let these gays fuck in private if they want to, but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable.
"They were right to do this.
please think of the child!!
how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with fundie parents?
the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works, would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person.
let these guys fuck up in private if they want to, but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable."
Every generation of bigots always has something to bitch about whether it be inter-racial couples, single mothers, or now gay couples. Really, it's getting old. And don't give me this "but they'll get picked on" bs. Yeah, if they get picked on it's because people like you raise the next generation of bigots.
Man, you just don't see the irony, do you?? As A Friend says, the only reason such a child would grow up teased at school or sad and hateful is because of bigotry like yours.
how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with fundie parents? the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works, would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person.
Look: I only needed to change one word.
My father is gay. I have a degree in economics and am going to law school in Europe. I'm also straight. Is that all due to my loss of innocence, lower quality childhood, and fucked up sense of the world?
One of my closer friends as I grew up was a child of two gay men.
She grew up wild, there's no doubting about it.
BUT I attribute that NOT to the fact that her father was gay, but that he was a businessman that was *never* around(i.e. at around age 12, she was allowed to spend 3 or 4 days by herself at home), not that he was gay and took his partner with him. My friend grew up totally accepting of her father and his partner
Many christians I know are sad and hateful (as well as intolerant and bigoted) but the nonbelievers in my life are the nicest people I know.
You fail, but thanks for playing.
You musta been homeschooled, because kids get teased for anything and everything. I got teased for being from a low-income family, does that mean we shouldn't let people get married under a certain income bracket? Fucking retard.
they were right to do this.
please think of the child!!
The child that would not have a family otherwise? Because it's not a gay family vs. a regular family. In many cases, it's a gay family vs. NO family. So explain how not knowing a loving family at all is better...
how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?
What makes you so sure it'd be anything less that the quality of upbringing in a normal family, aside from your own bigotry? The child would be loved. The child would be cared for.
the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works...
Gee, a child learning that things exist outside of black and white. I can see how that would horrify you.
...would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person.
So rather than teaching YOUR children not to tease these kids for their family make-up, these children should just go without a family. Gotcha.
let these gays fuck in private if they want to, but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable.
So should straight families be banned too, then? Because several straight families fall victim to the same thing (Child abuse, kid walking in on parents, whatever.) So don't you dare try and claim it's exclusive to homosexuality.
this is further proof-positive that people don't care how the child is raised or how they turn out. the bigots only care that the parents are gay, even though the kid turns out totally normal, to the point that if you didn't know they were raised by gay folks you wouldn't think twice
no, people like "no" are obsessed with gay people, and any child raised by gay people will have something wrong with them, simply by being raised by gay people.
Straights never molest, uh-uh, yeah right. And I'm sick of this "but they'll be bullied" attitude. If the adults working in the school system would do THEIR FUCKING JOBS and punish, expell and prosecute bullies, we wouldn't have these problems.
I'm sure the girl that Butch Kimmerling adopted would beg to differ.
"Lastly, we have Earl "Butch" Kimmerling who made quite a name for himself through his dedicated gay-bashing, sort of a forerunner of Rev. Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps. In 2000, this Indiana schoolbus driver successfully led the fight to prevent a gay couple from adopting an eight-year-old girl. He and his wife went on to adopt the girl themselves. Kimmerling, the self-righteous crusader who argued that gay couples could NEVER provide the same healthy environment as now behind bars and doing 40 years of hard time for molesting that little girl."
My Parents are straight (one is a Christian) and I got teased at school anyway (at first cos I had hearing and attention problems and different, then later for for behavioral problems). I grew up sad but not hateful.
I grew up going to Church. You hear that? CHURCH!
Gay parents are just like any parents. Some are wonderful parents some are really crap but most will be in the middle like any other normal people.
"would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person. "
Who does the teasing in school? Look in a mirror before you answer that question.
You can believe in whatever invisible man you want in private, but corrupting the innocence of a child is unacceptable.
Seriously, now, are you implying that gay parents would fuck in front of a child?!
I don't think they would, any more than straight parents would!
How many kids are permanently scarred -- okay, permanently scarred in a way that impairs their daily functioning for life -- by accidentally walking in on their parents having sex?
The same could be said of children on interracial or interreligious environments. What's the problem, only rich white straight "normal" people can adopt?(and beware that the children don't have the slightest problem, come on!)
"they were right to do this.
please think of the child!!"
I have thought long and hard and I can't see anything wrong with this.
"how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?"
Um, exactly the same?
"the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works,"
Uh huh. And where is your peer-reviewed study published in a legitimate scientific journal to prove this?
"would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person."
And who started the homophobia in the first place?
"let these gays fuck in private if they want to"
That statement seems to imply that you think homosexuality is a choice. I am not going to be condescending and assume you do think that. That would make you fucking stupid!
"but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable."
See, some of us ARE thinking of the children. Is it better to be bounced around from place to place with no security or foundation, or to be in a stable loving home with people who actually want the kid and can teach the kid how to deal with teasing?
"letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable"
And certain kinds of religious people don't do this? Being the teeniest bit different from your peers doesn't do this? Innumerable other things don't do this?
"how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?"
Statistically speaking, quite good actually.
"the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works, would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person."
How is this supposed to distort the kid's understanding of how the world works? At the very least it would promote tolerance.
And if you think they're the only kids who would be teased you've led an incredibly sheltered life. Everyone gets teased as a kid.
"let these gays fuck in private if they want to, but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable."
How is having two qualified adults of the same sex raising a child supposed to "corrupt" the kid? If it were two brothers or two sisters who were living together and took in a niece or nephew to raise, would that too "corrupt" the child?
It's funny because I thought raising your kids as fundies took their innocence far earlier than anything else. From what I've seen fundies are far more likely to tell their toddlers about abortion for example while I've never had a reason to bring the topic up to my 10 year old.
I was raised religious and I knew the details of gay sex at a pretty young age because my parents used to rant about it.
The quote to which "no" responded was posted here more than two years ago. He/she posted the above more than a year ago. For all I know (or care), "no" may have wised up or died in the interim.
Why are we digging up this old stuff? Are there no current fucktards worth ridiculing?
"how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?
the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works, would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person."
I'd like to see evidence for this claim, as opposed to your opinionated drivel...although, this comment is over 2 years old.
"fucked up sence of how the world works'
Now that's a bumper sticker for the Bible-belt.
Honestly, the spelling sells it too, how perfect for all reciders of Fuckastitious Chistasylum (just North of Braindead Crapfast)
Never come to Scandinavia, ok! Not just because we don't want that amount of stupidity here, but here I guess the kids of very religious parents are more at risk to be teased in school, than kids of gay parents. Kids just don't find two mothers or two fathers that interesting. As lots of people are divorced, lots of kids have two mothers and two fathers, some are step- and some are birth-. But kids who are forced to conform to religious routines, they stand out much more.
I'd rather have an open-minded friendly child, than a fundie child, scared of her own shadow in case she did something sinful, and who thinks everyone else is sinful and will burn in eternal hellfire. The first version seems much more innocent to me.
how do you think the quality of the childs life would be with gay parents?
Certainly not worse than it would be in any home. Being gay doesn't make a person a bad parent any more than being religious makes someone a bad parent.
the child would grow up with a fucked up sence of how the world works,
How so? Are gay parents not capable of teaching their children how the world works? It's not as if straight people have a monopoly on that. Just because you want the world to work a certain way doesn't mean that it does.
would get teased in school and eventually grow up a sad and hateful person.
Because kids can be cruel, and because bigots like yourself teach their kids that there is something wrong being different.
let these gays fuck in private if they want to, but letting them corrupt the innocence of a child is unacceptable.
And how does it automatically "corrupt" a child? Just because their values are not your own doesn't mean they are "corrupted", nor are you the authority by which it is decided what is and is not "unacceptable".
Raised Catholic, by a heterosexual couple. Still got teased. You lose.
Innocence doesn't mean "so scared of everything the kid will die of a heart attack the minute s/he meets someone new." You're a disgusting, pathetic, insolent fleshbag for thinking THAT'S what children should be.
If the potential parents of a potentially teased in the future child stopped procreating because of that reason, the world would have ended by now. Everybody, adults or kids, have been teased at least once in their lives. Me, for example, for wearing glasses until I was 20 and I got operated(I have to use them, anyway, to read)and being a little overweight until 16. And I had precedents of both in both sides of the family. Your reasoning?
And what makes you such an expert? How many children in the foster care system do you know? Here's a clue for you, it isn't teasing by peers that makes them into sad and hateful people; that happens to just about every child at some point. However, most kids are able to come home and receive comfort from a parent, or some one they regard as a parent. A child in foster care, however, doesn't have that. There is no way most adults can imagine the loneliness of a child in the foster care system.
Of course, that doesn't matter to you, does it no? You don't care how many children go without forever families, as long as your bigotry is vindicated. You would seal these children into lives of solitude and state dependence, smugly declaring all the while that you are doing it "for their own good." Speaking as some one who knows, I would gladly see all the lonely children in need of families adopted by loving, capable gay couples rather than leave them in the hands of self-righteous jerks like you.
A former foster parent and adopted father of three
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