Precisely. Every one of our quotodian existence comes with its angst. Any belief or disbelief should address the ways and means of doing that. Theism, however flawed, does it. Atheism is a big ZERO in this.
Ah, the "God makes me feel good" argument.
Unlike you, I do not hide behind what I might want to be true, I face reality as best I can, without glossing over the bits I don't like.
How does ordinary everyday occurences result in angst?
Clean your teeth, angst, have a shit, angst, go to church, angst...oh, just a minute.....
So, your god is your recreative drug, because you cannot bear the dreadful existence, you claim the very same god imparted upon you.
If it feels good, believe it!
What a great way to convince yourself that yours choice of belief is the correct one.
I think I will start looking around for the religion that makes me feel the best.
When you wish upon a star!
When people say religion is the opiate of the masses, this is exactly what they mean - it dulls your pain, keeps you coming back for more, you couldn't imagine life without it. It's a painkiller dependency to you, nothing more.
So... we should go to God when we feel angst even though he is the one that caused it in the first place?
Is that what you are saying?
You are working against your own argument here.
I'm fairly well read and had to look up quotodian, it means everyday, mundane.
This is the Dennis Miller method, talk shit but reference beyond your wisdom.
To the point though,,,,
Theism, however flawed or not still DOESN'T do this. Atheism, being a disbelief doesn't either, but it isn't a position of claim of something, it's not even the opposite, it's the absence of belief.
If every little thing you do from day to day comes with angst, you should go get psychological help, pal. You shouldn't need tricks to make misery tolerable, you shouldn't be miserable in the first place. Get your life in order!
You know what else does that? Antidepressant medication. It doesn't make all the angst go away, but it keeps you from being a totally emotionally unstable nutbag. Well, maybe not you, personally. You might need something stronger.
You atheists think Existentialism is fundie, but it's not. This person is blunt about their philosophical beliefs and doesn't explain them in the quote, but that doesn't mean they have no explanation, and it doesn't mean that they're a Southern Baptist or Neo-Nazi, but rather the contrary (they could still be a dbag however.) If there is an Existentialists Say the Darnedest Things, I'll be happy to submit myself as we'll as famous authors to show how silly it looks. I want a Sexists Say the Darnedest Things so I can be a young unmarried German-speaking woman and be funny just by posting.
The word "angst" does not refer to depression or sadness. It comes from an identically-spelled German word which simply means "anxiety," but in English it means "a deep feeling of anxiety or dread, usually an unfocused one" (aka existential angst.) It can be used in hyperbole to refer to persistent, consistent anxiety or dread about anything, but this person doesn't seem to be using hyperbole.
Remember, Fräulein, not all of us are atheists.
That being said... I think we might be misreading this quote.
If it said that "theism solves the problem of angst," then it would be fundie. What it actually says is that theism ADDRESSES ways of dealing with angst. It also mentions that theism may be flawed, which none of us - even we non-atheists - are likely to argue.
Because of that, I don't see this as fundie. It's too compromising.
@NonProphet - I was only addressing the people who were atheists, not everyone. "You atheists" is more direct than "the atheists here."
I do realize in retrospect I forgot to say this isn't fundie and this is my third time downvoting it. It's more like an ineloquent paraphrasing of Kierkegaard than something a Southern Baptist would say, which is also why I made the stupid joke about Existentialists Say the Darnedest Things (the stupid idea I referred to.)
Also, are you a Stone Age Man, or a mortal with potential of a Superman? I'm living on...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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