I really don't care if it's circular. I don't care what you believe about me or my logic. I am content with my faith. It makes me a better person and I am finally happy....
Well, this is not all that "fundie," really. She isn't claiming ultimate truth here, just personal peace. I think that's reasonable, even if her method (i.e., willful ignorance) is one that would never work for me.
~David D.G.
Well can't deny that.
Ignorance is bliss.
That's...not all that fundie at all. Personally, I think it's quite reasonable in this context. That said, this is likely the standard "cornered after a load of bullshit has been dumped," but as it stands, it's just a basic assertion of personal faith.
Happy to hear it! Check yourself once in awhile to be sure you're a better person on all levels (and conscientiously look for areas where you can honestly say you're not) and you'll maintain that happy existence.
...no, seriously. If it works for you, great. I'm only down on the oppressive fundies.
Then more power to ya, chere.
Just keep your faith to yourself, and we'll do the same with our sanity and rationality.
This person says they are happy, and this post does not demean others nor assert an unsupported right to force them into agreement.
Let this particular fool on the hill be and move on folks.
No, I don't want fries with that; I have to get back to my job at the research facility, developing a desktop-sized Quantum Computer.
Because it's logic that gave you that computer you're using right now.
...but hey, if being an ignorant, intellectually inferior spasmo dellanoid twat makes you happy, okay. But then, that's 'believers' in the Bible: it does the thinking for you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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