Well, if you ignorant atheiests would actually start looking at history with an open mind, you'd see the fingerprints too, But all you do is sit at home sinning, at least I'm not at some public college learning all sorts of humanistic propoganda and learning that sin is ok like ya'll did.
Hey now, I'm not ignorant. I got straight As in Humanistic Propaganda, Spelling "Propaganda" Correctly, and both semesters of Sins That Are Okay. I did get a B+ in How to Oppress True Christians, though, because I had the audacity to suggest that Christians have a Constitutional right to display the Ten Commandments in their own front yards. Oh noez!
"But all you do is sit at home sinning"
yatch please, I do my sinning out on the town. Try going out once in a while. And I'm not talking about taking your dad to a Purity Ball, book burning, or whatever other creepy hillbilly things it is Baptists get up to.
Gee, I must have gone to the wrong state university. They never taught me how to sin; they just taught me stuff like linear algebra, econometrics, early English literature, etc. I don't even remember a course offering for Humanistic Propaganda, although truthfully, I never went beyond Philosophy 102 and it may have been a graduate course.
Seriously, I wonder why IFBG is going to college - just to confirm what she already thinks she knows?
You should really get out and sin, it's really no fun sitting at home sinning, as a matter of fact it's downright boring, unless your favorite sin is Sloth. ( I learnesd that in Fundie Colledge they teached me good stuffs)
I'd rather be out in the world sinning than staying within the constricting confines of a doctrine that doesn't allow you to live: merely exist. Your life is a pale imitation of what it means to be alive IFBaptist Girl, and you'll never know even a hundreth of what this world has to offer, with your absolute beliefs and discounting of the mountain of evidence that shuts you down, along with your hate-spewing magus Randy.
Who's really the ignorant one?
AMEN, Brother! (Or Sister!)
Seriously, IFBG, no one's asking you to give up your faith completely, just to look outside the confines of church thinking and make an informed decision about what you see. It's not Satan that does this; it's the simple fact that there's a great big world of 6.5 or so billion people out there and fundamentalism tends to close people off from everything but what a very, very few charismatic and catastrophically misinformed people have to say.
Put another way: you must have doubts and fears and curiosities at times. Can you, just for a moment, consider those to be something God gave you, and not the temptations of Satan (which, by the way, is an entity that Christians consistently misunderstand)?
Oh we see fingerprints alright. Telltale traces of a lot of various writers and their real intentions, the smudge-marks of many rewriting attempts on history to fit the book...
And of course the big greasy prints of immoral, unethical bastards who used a big imaginary friend as their excuse to pull off some pretty big (for their time) atrocities...
An actual open mind picks up on those pretty fast, and if its 'sinless' you're looking for, you may wanna drop religion and give reasoning a shot.
We might not believe in all the 'gawd' crap, but we seem to be a lot better at living the 'love thy neighbor' and 'do unto others' bits...
The louder they preach fire and brimstone, IFB, the more bone rattling they're trying to hide in their closet.
last I checked, colleges didn't teach anything about morality and "sin", unless maybe you take courses in philosophy. You are supposed to have learned what's right and wrong before you get to college age.
I suppose if evolution counts as "humanistic propaganda", then I have heard some humanistic propaganda at college in my biology classes, but I though evolution was science. Silly me.
There may be hope for IFBaptist Girl. She seems civil, and her insults are perfunctory. I bet she'd be pleasantly surprised to discover that atheists and humanists are simply people who subscribe to beliefs that differ from her own; that we don't consider her an enemy; and that very few of us atttend the meetings at which the downfall of religion is plotted.
Someone from teens4 talking about someone else needing an open mind? HAHAHAHAHA! That's like a "hog in slops" calling a pampered housecat messy. Start looking at history? HAHAHA! You wouldn't know a real history book(not a fundie made-up propaganda Chick tract farce) if it bit you. Hell you people don't even read the damn Bible yourselves, you have to let that woman-hating bigot, Bro Randy, lie to you about what's in there(and make a loving God sound like a racist, homophobic, sexist, sadistic monster). Go back to your little fundie farm, nose-led sheep, we like people that think for themselves overhere.PS SAVED and BORN_AGAIN are Fundamentalist religious concepts. They are not shared by most Christian religions and are in no way a defining tenet of Christianity. The ONLY defining tenet of Christianity at all is acceptance of Jesus Christ as savior!LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT! And learn to read the Bible(and American history books) yourself, you'll be surprised "what is and isn't" in there that you "have or haven't" been told.
no no no no, you guys have it all wrong! HIGH SCHOOL is where we learn to be sinners and all that fun stuff! and best of all, im actually thinking about attending one of the best "public colleges" in the country. i have looked to see if there is a "humanistic propoganda" class but all they had was mythology and humanities. so im taking those. and sinning is no fun home alone.
You seem to be forgetting that other deadly sin that's a whole heap o' fun and is now accessible in the privacy of your own home thanks to the wonder of teh interwebnets.
[voice = viking]
Pr0n pr0n pr0n, luverly pr0n, wonderful pr0n!
@IFBrainwashed Girl:
It's quite clear that you're not at some public college. Or any worthwhile educational institution, for that matter. Pity. We'll never know if you're actually incapable of thought or just unwilling to try.
I never went to university*, but if they can teach me propaganda and comfortable sinning, I may have to sign up!
*Nearest common equivelent in the English system
1. We're not all atheists. I'm certainly not.
2. We know a lot more about history than you do, because we've actually been to school, and were not taught by our insane Fundie parent's.
3. Prove we are. You don't know the actual lifestyles of anyone here, so shut up.
4. Being an uneducated moron is something to be proud of now?
5. What exactly, is inherently wrong with humanism? Oh, wait, is it because it respects the rights of other human beings and requires compassion?
6. You know nothing about colleges; lots of religious people go to college. Colleges don't teach people to sin, they just teach certain subjects, which the students choose to study.
Get over it, hun; you're not going to convert anyone here. We're just going to make fun of you, so why bother?
"...at least I'm not at some public college learning all sorts of humanistic propoganda and learning that sin is ok like ya'll did."
Hey, IFBG, when you're done on the 'puter, there, sweet cheeks, the boys up at the counter could use a topper on the 'ol Java, and I'd like a fresh plate of corned beef hash and scrambled eggs. Couldja hop to that, Sugar?
Welcome to your life, Chica. That is, if you don't just give up and grab the brass pole at some joint outside of town and shake 'em for a few dollar bills in the G-string.
Good for you, though...my own daughter will have less competition on her way to running a company or a country, and she might need a nanny or a cup of coffee herself.
"at least I'm not at some public college learning all sorts of humanistic propoganda and learning that sin is ok like ya'll did."
...or grammar, or spelling, or rational thought, eh?
Do bible colleges really not grade on these things? I guess it's no wonder they accepted you. Did your admissions essay consist of nothing more than your T-4-C posts? I hope they are paying to to attend, not the other way round...
But all you do is sit at home sinning, at least I'm not at some public college learning all sorts of humanistic propoganda and learning that sin is ok like ya'll did.
I learned microbiology, chemistry, genetics, geology and economics with a history chaser. Unfortunately, they only offered Applied Sin 401 and Humanistic Propaganda 206 in the same slots as my Mineralogy lab and lecture, so I had to take those instead. I understand that they were a blast though.
Yeah, at my public college I did real well last semester. Although Proving God is Fake 225 was hard, but I think my experience from Arguing with Believers 130, Bible Burning 101, and Evolution Theology 125 was really helpful. Next semester, I'm being ambitious and taking 18 units...Liberalism 240, Persecution of Christians 230, and Atheism's Doctrines 102, and Banning Prayer 200, along with Disproving God with Atoms 300 and Biblical Flaws 250.
Well, if you ignorant atheiests would actually start looking at history with an open mind, you'd see the fingerprints too
OK, bad news honey, that guy tampering with history wasn't God!
The fact that the fingerprints were jam stains should've clued you up it was Brother Randy!
Brian x, you rock. I, in particular get so fed up with the idiocies and foibles of fundies that I forget about them and feel absolutely no compassion for them. You have single-handedly reaffirmed my faith (for lack of a better word) in people's natural curiousity, and natural goodness.
Funny, looking at history is my number one reason for being an atheist. Did you understand the part about primary sources, secondary sources, and un-reliable sources or did you skip that day in Kindergarden?
Maybe being exposed to differing ideas and cultures while learning would have been good for you.
But how can you call atheists "ignorant" and then say they all go to college? Wouldn't that make you ignorant times two? (psst! the answer is yes!)
I'se in ur head, lookin' for brainz to steal and only findin' stupidz.
I'se tried to get inside ur mind, but it's all closed up.
I'se been in ur bedroom... I'se seen what u'se been doin' for Jeebus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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