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Maria Sharapova's staged drugs confession - agendas for dummies
World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete for 10 years and on drugs: psy-op part of the series "falsely accused champions".
The climax: the "confessions" series: the greatest cyclist ever (Lance Armstrong, 2013) and the fastest man ever and forever, Usain Bolt (coming).
But unlike Lance and Bolt, Sharapova's confession isn't the result of torture.
Maria Sharapova's confession same goal as Putin's role in Russia banned - agendas for dummies
"Putin accepts Russia first country ever banned from athletics at the Olympics": "Putin" plays in this script the same role as one of Kenya's Kenyatta key acts: falsely accusing kenyan athletes thus pushing the "best runners on drugs" hoax to the utter limits of the grotesque.
In other words, the same role as Sharapova's staged confession: make people believe that the accusations to "hundreds of oither russian champions" are indeed true.
Side note: Suicide bomber "Putin"'s role goes well beyond this. It also includes "Rissia first country ever stripped not only of Olympics but also of World Cup".
Sharapova's fake confession: Why are the pills called meldonium?
To rhyme with another episode of the series "russian poisoned by Putin": the fake "death of Litvinenko, who first lost his hair and finally died after poisoned by Putin with Polonium".
Casting the World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete for 10 years now: Simulated reality paradox:
Forbes magazine says so and that's the ideal title for the "on drugs" confession, independently from the specific Russia related agendas.
A title that would be easy to manufacture, although not as easily as the mockery known as "list of the richest men in the world", served by the same Forbes magazine.
Reason: the dozens of millions that tennis champions supposedly earn are almost as true as the totally fake lottery jackpots.
Sharapova earned in reality around 3 not 30 million dollars in 2015, yet she probably is indeed the World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete,
And that paradoxically contradicts the illuminati commandment to serve nothing but simulated reality at the end of the show.OGLE