Bo-Jangles #racist

The Muslim-in-Chief got 98% of Detroits votes because 98% of Detriot is black. Forget that it’s mostly a crime-ridden wasteland, one which blacks themselves created. They couldn’t care less. The only thing blacks care about is how much “free” govt. stuff they can get, and when can they get more. And, like all other addicts, the more they get, the more they demand.

Generally speaking, blacks have become living proof that liberal social engineering always fails. Simply for their political support, Demoncrats have enslaved an entire race of people using govt. handouts. Most blacks are not smart enough to realize it, but they are more enslaved now than they ever were on some old southern plantation. The only difference now is, they really don’t care so long as the handouts keep flowing. And the Left is already doing the very same thing, for the very same reason, to the tens-of-Millions of illegals that are here.

Why else do you think Obummer, bleeding-heart liberals, and Demoncrats always favor, and will fight to keep, the major entitlements (welfare, food stamps, community programs, etc.) going to blacks and illegals.



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