[Complaining about non-Christians shoving their lifestyle down his throat]
I mean you can't go into a store and find ruby red grapefruit juice. But you can surely find stacks and stacks of Heinaken and Budweiser. That space could be used for Bibles.
Six of one, Half a dozen of the other. To the slice of toxic atihiests and believers, we're all shoving our beliefs down each other's throats.
Get over it and put the "reach" back into "preach." Of course, I suspect that this guy just will never have enough to whine about.
I can assure you with the utmost confidence that I have never shoved anything down anyone's throat. Ever. How, exactly, can you force a belief down a throat? Or into someone's head, without some kind of surgery or drugs--even then, I'm not sure you can. So, calm down.
Since when was ruby red juice christian, and beer atheist? And how is that anywhere remotely like shoving beliefs? Just don't buy the beer, and buy the wine, like Jesus would.
Paw hitched up the wagon and went to the General Store. They got blankets, fat back, tabaccy, and some Bibles!
Tonight we're going to party like it's 1849!
Yep what D.D.G. said. And forgetting the whole demand thing, WTF, are bibles consumables now?
I leave mine of the bookshelf to scare people, what the hell do you do that needs a new one every week?
"I mean you can't go into a store and find ruby red grapefruit juice." What? Yes you can!
Unless you're going into a liquor store.
Then you're just a moron.
Here in DC there are no "stacks and stacks of Heinaken (sic) and Budweiser" on the shelves of our friendly 7-11s.
Acknowledging that sad fact, I always wonder why (in a munchified state) I walk into the local 7-11, and although I have the choice of yummies like Cheetos and Doritos, I stand transfixed - Upset, if you will - That there is no Bible to be found.
What stores are you looking in? I know I can find all types of fruit juice at my stores, and I can't stand grapefruit juice.
Also: free market, bitch. A store could well put Bibles where they keep the booze, but people generally don't go into grocery/other food stores to find Bibles, so, somehow, I doubt there'd be much demand, and the whole thing with capitalism is that stores are going to sell what people will buy.
Seriously, that's kind of like saying that the place where grocery stores keep their food could be used to store volumes of the Harry Potter series- it could , but it seems kind of stupid to put them there.
And that's not even touching on the stupidity of the idea that merely selling beer is somehow "atheist"- I know plenty of Christians who drink beer, and there are plenty of atheists who aren't all that into the booze. I suppose you are right in that it is "non-Christian," though, given that, like most other products, beer is pretty secular. That's kind of like saying that selling watermelons is "non-Christian"- it's not exactly Christian, is it? Hell, your precious ruby-red grapefruit juice is pretty damn secular, too.
If you're going to a grocery store that doesn't have grapefruit juice but has stacks and stacks of beer... that's not the grocery store. That's the booze store.
Oh and the GOLDEN THRONE that the Pope sits on could feed thousands.
I don't like alcohol too much. But I'd rather have people drink than read the Babble. Because after a good night sleep you usually come to your senses.
"Yes, I'm drunk. But I'll be sober tomorrow and you'll be crazy the rest of your life."_____________W.C. Fields
How do we go from grapefruit juice to Bibles?
Bibles are readily available in both Christian and secular bookstores. I don't know about grapefruit juice because I prefer orange juice. Make of that what you will.
Ruby red grapefruit juice is not available over here; too much artificial coloring, but you can find orangy-red grapefruit juice in most grocery stores. What you can't find is "Heinaken" and Budweiser, not with more than 2,5 percent alcohol. For that you need to go to the liquor store.
I think you can find Bibles in larger grocery stores, the ones that carry almost everything home-related (including patio furnitures and Weber grills); they usually have a book department. They still don't sell alcoholic beverages, tough.
What do these people want?
"Excuse me, heathen, where are the Bibles?"
"Aisle 3,4,5,6 and 7"
"Why not aisle 1 and 2?!!!"
Honestly, it's not that they practically give Bibles away, it's that they literally give Bibles away! Where the Hell do you people ever get the idea there's a shortage of Bibles?
"stacks and stacks of Heinaken and Budweiser. That space could be used for Bible”
Ther’s a small chance i might buy the beer. I sometimes need a can or bottle for cooking.
Never needed a Bible.
But speaking of ‘shoving their lifestyle down our throat’ we only recently managed to get Sunday sales of liquor here. Why was our economy held hostage to the lifestyles of the bitch and gibmouth?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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