The sun produces C-14 in the upper atmosphere, and at the same time it decays which removes it from the Earth. Because the Earth has not acheived C-14 equalibrium but is instead still increasing, which would take approximately 30,000 yrs, C-14 verifies the fact that the Earth is less than 30,000 yrs old.
Dear NephilimFree, I hope you don't ever change the way you think. Your quotes almost always bring a smile and a bit of cheer amongst all the usual devilish gnashing and frothing that gets quoted here.
Previously, I would have encouraged you to change your ways and grow-up but now I realize that it would be practically impossible for you to do so. I for one don't think that you are really satanic, just disillusioned and probably somewhat retarded.
It's fun reading your quotes, and I expect you enjoy hearing the laughter of others. Although, I hope your real life is not too unhappy as are the private lives of many comedians.
Couldn't have said it any better myself. *smiles and gives you a thumbs-up*
While I've always liked lolcats pictures in general, that one is one of my favorites.
"Because the Earth has not acheived C-14 equalibrium but is instead still increasing, "
Because Earths magnetic field is decreasing. Which also proves earth is less than 30,000 years old.
MephilimFree vs Carl Barnes FUNDIE FIGHT!!!!!
The available free C14 jumped around the time all those nuclear weapons tests occurred, causing the need for a general recalibration of the scale for measuring decay.
With ages beyond 50Ky-60Ky, other isotopes are used.
This claim for 30Ky verifies the fact that NeuronFree is a presumptuous idiot, as well as a bearer of false witness.
@ The Lazy One
You are not. Personally, I initially read it that way, and thought, "Well, this is gonna be a weird one..."
The upper atmosphere is amost entirely hydrogen and helium. Because temperature rises with altitude in this layer, these atoms are moving at such a high speed that many of them leave the atmosphere. The Sun does put out helium nuclei in the solar win. These get trapped in the Earth's magnetic field and are brought toward the magnetic poles, where they interact with the ionized molecules of the upper atmosphere, creating the auroras of the polar regions. Carbon is too heavy to be found at this altitude. A little reasearch in a meteorology tewxt or an amateur radio license manual would have made you look a lot less stupid. Homework, dude!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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