David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
It is critically important that a very young child receive lots of love from a mother. It is very important that a child hear the Word of God. A pregnant mother should read the Bible out loud so the child can also hear the Scriptures. A mother with a baby that is 1,2 or 3 years old should continually sing, play melodic pretty music, and play audible Scriptures or read them aloud in the home.
Once the child is old enough to start grasping words, the mother should teach the child to repeat after her:
1. Say it, the Bible is God's Word. Say it again, the Bible is God's Word.
2. Say it, Jesus is the Son of God. Say it again, Jesus is the Son of God.
And then the mother should teach the child to repeat after her things; such as:
1. Say it, beer is bad, bad, bad. Beer is bad.
2. Say it, cigarettes are bad, bad, bad. Say it again, cigarettes are bad.
And if you have a daughter, you should teach her at the earliest possible age:
1. Say it, ladies wear dresses. Pants are bad, bad, bad. Pants are bad.