Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Baltimore Riots are Staged. 1968 Riot vs 2015 Riot Proves It.
Baltimore is surely another staged event.
Have you noticed that we are getting aerial views of the riots in Baltimore, but the air space over Ferguson was restricted? Why did that happen in Ferguson but not Baltimore? Ferguson was completely FAKE, while Baltimore has a bit of reality thrown into the mix. Not much reality, but a little.
I have noticed that all of the aerial shots in Baltimore are restricted to a small area and we are getting a lot of close up shots, but nothing to put things into perspective. Looking at the bigger picture is always a good idea, but the helicopters are giving us the small picture.
The news is trying to create the illusion of more. More violence. More looting. More buildings on fire. More need for a HUGE govt presence. More need to institute martial law.
The news media is trying to fool us.
I watched this video and the anchor says at the 35 sec mark that the ATF has been activated to investigate "the large number of arsons across Baltimore".
After hearing him say that, I went looking for information. Look here "2 Maps That Explain The Baltimore Riots – 1968 And Now"
[link to]
Notice the 1968 incident map and look at the 2015 incident map. There is NO comparing 1968 with 2015. 1968 was HUGE compared to 2015.
The New World Order has stepped up it's game play in Baltimore. Despite the creation of FAKE drama in Baltimore, mixed in with some real drama, this whole situation is another contrived event to deceive the American People.
Jade Helm is coming soon.
It will be weeks and weeks of contrived events.