Carico #fundie

So how many people do atheists have to mock and slander before they think they can make God's Word go away? How many years have you and other atheists been doing this in the last 2,000 years? And where has it gotten you? Nowhere except to increase your anger. If anyone had proven that God doesn't exist, then forums like these wouldn't exist because there would be no point in them.

So let's say your anger turns to murder. How many people would you have to murder to think you can make God's Word go away? Everybody who believes in God? Then what? Then where would you turn your hatred of God? Would you start shooting the air? Or possibly using explosions? Then what? So how can your anger change whether or not God exists? If it can't, what purpose does it serve except to make you more angry and possibly turn you into murderers?Or is your only joy in life expressing hatred? If so, when will it be satisfied?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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