"So how many people do atheists have to mock and slander before they think they can make God's Word go away?"
One less as soon as I'm through mocking you.
"How many years have you and other atheists been doing this in the last 2,000 years?"
Longer than your religion has been in existence I would think and, unfortunately, we'll probably have to do it long after your religion is nothing but a footnote in the pages of history. Superstition and irrationality seem to know no bounds after all.
"And where has it gotten you?"
The Enlightenment. What's your superstition gotten you? Oh, that's right, the Dark Ages.
"Nowhere except to increase your anger."
I'm not angry. Just frustrated that such stupidity still exists in the 21st century.
"If anyone had proven that God doesn't exist, then forums like these wouldn't exist because there would be no point in them."
No shit. By the way, you can't prove a universal negative. Aside from that, the onus of evidence is on you since you keep claiming your imaginary friend is real. You could be rid of all such forums if you'd just pony up the evidence people have been asking for for the last few thousand years.
"So let's say your anger turns to murder."
And why exactly would that happen? While you may be unstable, I am not. I'll thank you not to project your murderous tendencies--which your religion keeps precariously in check no doubt--onto me.
"How many people would you have to murder to think you can make God's Word go away?"
More than Christians have murdered to stamp out Islam, witchcraft and Native American religions? Obviously you didn't kill enough people as those religions still exist so I can only assume I would have to kill more. That's if I wanted to accept your little hypothetical situation, which I don't.
"Everybody who believes in God? Then what? Then where would you turn your hatred of God?"
I don't hate your god or anyone's god. I think all gods are pointless, useless, irrelevant and completely without evidence of any kind. If any do exist they either don't give a flying fuck about anything going on here or they're entirely too impotent to do anything. Either way, I have no time for them.
"Would you start shooting the air? Or possibly using explosions? Then what?"
The purpose being what exactly? In your bizarre little construct all religion is gone by this point. Please try to keep up with your argument so I don't have to do it for you.
"So how can your anger change whether or not God exists?"
What anger?
"If it can't, what purpose does it serve except to make you more angry and possibly turn you into murderers?"
Weeeeee! Down the slippery slope we go!
"Or is your only joy in life expressing hatred? If so, when will it be satisfied?"
There is no hatred. Your god doesn't exist. Get over it.