Recently the Lord told me to get rid of my 3 generation old game called MAH-JHONNG... This game has tiles made of ivory and bamboo or bakelite, that are hand carved in China and are demonized. My children said they felt like something was watching them or following them up the steps when they were in the basement, and I continued to bind and deal with a HUGE spirit of FEAR when I tried to pray in this same environment. The Lord exposed this DEMON and told me to get rid of MAH-JHONNG. I researched the game on the Internet and found through the "International League of Mah-Jhonng" in New York, that the spiritual aspect of this game is designed to WORSHIP BUDDHA! There are actually BUDDHA discs that accompany some of these games, mine didn't. PRAISE GOD for HOUSECLEANING! I burned the game in an All-Church EPHESUS burning.
Confucious say:
"Suck Mah Jhong!"
Oh No! Not Buddha! A fat guy sitting under a tree reaching enlightenment and teaching others to do the same? It's the debil I tells ya! The DEBIL!!
Is anyone else scared by the thought of churches going on burning rampages? Now, if it was the churches themselves that were burning....
... you threw away a heirloom?
... And no, no it is not. Do you know anything about the Buddha? Or about Mah-Jhong?
My first submission has made it to the site! Hurray for me.
And no. Stop lying. Besides, and I can't stress this enough: EVEN BUDDHISTS DO NOT WORSHIP BUDDHA.
If you were to dispose of the board, you would have been better off donating it to a museum, where it would actually belong, instead of burning in your fundie ritual.
Either way, though, you're an idiot for finding evil in a board game. With his logic, I'm sure chess is an evil game as well, as it requires conscious thought.
Internet hilarity brought to you by Demonbuster, busting family heirlooms, sanity, and children since 1998.
Hand carved? Damn man, it sounds like you just burnt something beautiful and expensive.
At least we finally know why fundies never have any fun. They burn all of their games.
I've said it before, these fundies will find evil any/every/where.
It must be a scary life not knowing where the debbil is lurking next - demonic symbols on cereal packets, diabolic codes on medicines..... No wonder they're so odd.
This act falls plumb in line with what the Taliban did - dynamiting those statues of the Buddha - destroying something beautiful and unique just because their twisted minds saw evil in made things.
Just to remind people:
PEOPLE can be evil
PEOPLE can do evil things, inanimate objects and non-sentient animals cannot be evil
No more Jumanji for this fundie.
....You could've sold the set. A hand-carved Mah-Jhonng set would be worth a fat lot of money.
You must be new to the Bible. Jesus said to sell everything you own except three generations old hand-carved board games.
Different = demonic. Right.
I'd feel sorry for all the experience her tunnel vision will cause her to miss, if she weren't such a raving moron.
Recently the Lord told me to get rid of everything in my house made in China... You can't imagine what a chore for the Lord this was! My cat was acting funny, which I believe was a direct result of the PHTHALATES in his soft chewy toys, and the FEAR I had watching him trip out the TOXINS made me pray for my home. I researched our TRADE DEFICIT on the Internet and found out that everything I own is made in China. Even my American flag! PRAISE GAWD for HOUSECLEANING! I burned everything (except the flag) resulting in an ALL-CONSUMING POISONOUS CLOUD, which sickened half of my liberal, GAWDless neighbourhood.
(I'm typing this on a computer at the uncensored public library - I had to destroy my Chinese-made laptop)
So by that logic monopoly is evil because it teaches us to worship money, and twister is evil because it requires physical contact with other people, and of course, my favourite board game, axis and allies, is also evil because it teaches us to wipe out entire nations in the name of imperial expansion.
oh, wait a sec
Filus, Chess is evil because it arose from a non-Christian era and country!!! Damn you Chess, with your idols that one must move around!
I personally don't enjoy playing Mah-Jhonng but it belongs more in an antique store than in some crazy fundie fire.
@ Filius non factus est & Big Mac -
The real reason why chess is such an evil game is that the queen has entirely too much power. All good fundies know that women must be submissive and not out-shine their husbands.
off topic for one moment
Jocelyn!!!! My name is Jocelyn too. I had to switch to a different handle as to not get confused as to which Jocelyn is writing.
Back on topic:
This site condems ANYTHING that is not made in America,or some Christian God fearing country. Any foreign (especially African or Oriental)objects are viewed as
demon possessed.
apYrs wrote:
"This act falls plumb in line with what the Taliban did - dynamiting those statues of the Buddha - destroying something beautiful and unique just because their twisted minds saw evil in made things."
Like it or not, that kind of thing ain't restricted to extremists.
When the Allies rolled into Berlin at the end of World War II, the first thing they did was blew up the giant stone swastika on the top of the Reichstag. We might not have agreed with Nazi ideology, but now that piece of stonework is lost to history.
"Oh shit, MAH JHONNG is a demon and has possessed my computer and is making me play it while I should be working." Yeah, my boss will buy that, right!
Since Buddha was a regular buddy like you and I(Shiddarta Gautama prince of Nepal, to be more precise)and buddhism is a non-theistic religion, I find your story unbelievable, racist and ethnocentric.
"International League of Mah-Jhonng"
Which internet did you search, cause the one I looked at hasn't heard of this.
If you enjoy it so much, my house could use a good going over-especially the windows and the basement.
And by the way-have you never heard of ebay??? My gawd. Why burn when you could earn?
*sweatdrops* You know, just because your kids thought something was watching them doesn't meqan they were evil ya know. And your fear is probably because you're a superstitious twat. And worshipping the buddha? What are you on, bhuddism is specificly about escaping any form of worship thanks.
First, it's spelled Mah-jongg.
Second, it's just a game (and one that probably predates your precious babble).
Lastly, I've got an antique Mah-jongg set. The tiles are hand-carved from bone and bamboo, wrapped in a piece of purple velvet, and all set in a beautifully decorated and engraved rosewood case. Never have I got any kind of "demonic" wibe from the set, though I have sent a few that way when not being able to finish the turtle puzzle.
For the last time, BUDDHISM IS NOT A RELIGION.
Secondly, I think Demonbuster is a big fat ol' Poe site and the fact these comments keep getting approved is ridiculous.
Mah-Jong is just a game, which has been around for a long time, maybe since before Gautama was born. It has nothing to do with Buddha, or if it has, Buddha is not in the habit of haunting innocent games.
What is a Buddha disc? I have never seen any in any Mah-Jong set I've played with.
When I was little I was afraid of the downstairs bathroom. I thougt that an animated skeleton* would come out of there, so I always rushed past that hallway up the stairs. But it never entered my mind to burn the bathroom just because I had a childish fear of it.
* The Bocksten Man (see Wikipedia), it's a skeleton with bright red hair, that scared the shit out of me when I saw it in a museum here in Sweden at about the age of 7 or 8.
You burned a 3 generation old version of Mah Jhonng? *cries*
I feel your pain. I've seen a real ivory set; they're beautiful.
As a general rule, it is demeaning and disrespectful to destroy anything you lack the skill to make (and not just a little foolish, in a lot of cases). As someone who actually does make things and knows how incredibly difficult, time consuming and labourious it is to produce anything of any quality, I'm sickened by the behaviour of people who so unthinkingly and irrevererently discard or destroy things they'd never be able to produce for themselves if you gave them twenty years to try.
Ivory and bamboo or bakelite? You are aware that bakelite is one of the first forms of plastics, right? And that neither bamboo nor ivory are manmade? You don't hand carve plastic, you pour it in a mold, stupid.
The game is called Mah-Jong or Mahjong, stupid.
Gaaaahhhh...the FAIL, it BUUURRRRNS!!!
1. It's "Mahjong" or "Mahjongg" not "Majhonng"...spelling fail
2. Buddhists don't worship Buddha...religion/philosophy fail
3. Mahjongg has crap-all to do with Buddhism
4. Why the freak is it demonic just because it's carved in CHINA?! Xenophobe, much?
5. You destroyed a beautiful, expensive antique just because it gave you the heebie-jeebies?! How stupid can you get?! Yet you have the gall to preach about "good stewardship"
6. That's called iconoclasm, butthole!
7. You completely and utterly fail!
@ Jake Steele: I see your "Burning Money for Jesus" award and raise you a "Farenheit 451" award and a "Lost 11th Commandment" award (Thou shalt not have fun)
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