Ann Barnhardt #fundie
What I would submit is the great crime against God committed by His People over the past 50 years is our SILENCE – our passive, impotent, effeminate acceptance of the profound violence done against Him, His Church, and His Liturgy. We, our parents, our grandparents, our great-grandparents, sat in silence and watched as sodomites turned the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into a neo-pagan low-rent cruise ship floorshow. Our response was either the silence of apostasy, as more than 90% of Catholics in the West simply stopped going to Mass, or the silence of tacitly accepting the obvious abuse and overt hostility toward Our Lord and His Church by diabolically narcissistic sex perverts and their truly pathetic, co-dependent hangers-on. The collapse of our culture, the abortion, the ascendancy of sexual perversion, the collapse of the Rule of Law – all of these things are DERIVATIVE of the destruction of the Liturgy, a destruction that we sat, wallowing in our collective effeminacy, and watched – and continue to watch and even cooperate in. How many people today, well aware of the perennial traditions and disciplines of Holy Mother Church prior to ARSH 1965, still go to Novus Ordo Masses having observed only a one hour fast, women with heads uncovered, and receive the Most Holy Eucharist standing, in the hand because they “don’t want to stand out” or “make a scene”? Lots. Lots and lots and lots.
So my question, in rebuttal to the commentariat’s responses to my “Vocem Alienorum” piece is this: If we all agree that it has been precisely our inaction over the past 50 years that has brought down this scourge upon us, how can it possibly, possibly make sense that the proper response to the Bergoglian Antipapacy is MORE SILENCE? MORE RETREAT? MORE SHOULDER-SHRUGGING? MORE FATALISM? MORE EFFEMINACY? MORE SLOTH? MORE INDIFFERENCE?
And that brings us, somewhat paradoxically, to Our Lord’s incomprehensible Love for us, and His Mercy.
The reason Our Lord is letting the Bergoglian Antipapacy happen, is because He is giving us ONE. LAST. CHANCE to cease the very crime we have committed against Him for lo these 50 years, one last chance to come to His defense. One last chance to shake off our effeminacy and instead rise up in virility and fight for Him.