aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia
More on the Boy Scouts considering not denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation.
From the memo above:
“For this reason, the Executive Committee, on behalf of the National Executive Board, wrote a resolution for consideration that would remove the restriction denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation alone and would maintain the current membership policy for all adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America. The voting members will take action on the resolution during the Boy Scouts of America’s National Annual Meeting on May 23, 2013.”
First of all, is anyone else bothered that society, and especially a youth mentor organization that was founded on biblical values, is accepting the term “gay youth”? These children need spiritual and pyschological guidance to help them become free from this perversion known as homosexuality, not being told that it’s a legitimate behavior.
Secondly, let’s say that 12 year old Timmy, who was adopted by Adam and Steve at age 2, sodomized by them or their homosexual friends at age 5, and told by his ‘parents’ and the culture he is raised in that homosexual behavior is perfectly normal and hence turns out to be a proud and unrepentant homosexual himself, what kind of message is that sending to the other Boy Scouts?
Let’s say that little Timmy stays with the Scouts and in his upper teens makes it to the rank of Eagle Scout, will he be allowed to mentor younger Scouts, including going on overnight campouts with them?
Of course the homosexual movement won’t just accept the fact that “gay youth” will be accepted into the BSA (if the BSA should decide to go that route in May), as that would be “discriminatory”, thus the lawsuits will continue against the BSA.
Like everything that homosexuality touches, should the Boy Scouts decide to change their once biblical foundation to allow people that are proud of their immoral behavior into their organization, the Boy Scouts of America will die a slow agonizing death.