Right to Know #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Perverted GAY Food Agenda - GMO's and Chemicals that Make People Queer

BPA, and it's Replacement used in Plastics and thermal paper used in recipt printers

Soy - GMO and Non GMO, it raises estrogen levels.
includes eating Animals fed Soy.
Feminizes Boys
Girls hit Puberty at younger than normal age.

Corn Syrup / Processed Sugar and Alcohol Reduce Human Growth Hormones

Herbicide listed in video below, will post name after video part of post, just in case it is one of those words.

Solution, Use Glass or Stainless Steel to store/drink out of, Filter/Purify your water to remove (drugs and chemicals in the water supply)
Eat only Traditional Foods raised without
GMO, Organic Only.
Eat Animals that are fed Grass, and their Natural food diet and not given Vaccines, Chemicals and Antibiotics.
If animals are not raised on Factory Farms the need for Antibiotics is much, much lower because the conditions the animals live in are "natural" much healthier.

Unsprouted grains, sugar or fructose decrease seven of the 12 most important hormones.

Alcohol decreases your human growth hormone (HGH), one of your most potent built-in anti-aging hormones. Having just one alcoholic drink per day can decrease your HGH by 75 percent.

Magnesium supplements improve your sex hormone levels, including your testosterone and HGH.

High-quality protein from meat and fish, as well as healthy fats such as egg yolk, lard, and butter, will improve progesterone and DHEA secretion, as will an otherwise healthy Paleolithic (read: unprocessed, nutrient-rich organic) diet.

Progesterone can also be increased by several nutritional supplements, including vitamin A. As a general rule, fat-soluble vitamins will have a beneficial effect on sex hormones.



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