Me114 #conspiracy
Many people are not grasping the gravity of our situation. We need to key in on the most important pieces of information that move our world. Today on my Twitter feed, you can find some vital articles to inform you as to what is going on.
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The old news item from 2007 on the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) tells us exactly what we are up against. A quantum artificially intelligent computer is gaming everyone’s data into simulated scenarios that then determine what events are staged, and what propaganda is published, by the elite controllers.
What you must understand is that the few 1% elite are not intelligent enough on their own to devise plans to culminate in their desired New World Order. They are too busy kidnapping our children and raping them, hunting them, murdering them, eating them and selling their organs. What man is unable to do, a machine can. The quantum AI can keep track of 7 billion souls and their data quite easily. To give an example, if the goal is to destroy President Trump and remove him from office, then they simply feed that outcome into the AI. The AI then tells them what actions they should take to achieve that goal. No humans are smart enough to figure out an agenda with such complexity.
The other news item I posted is the work of Deborah Tavares on Climate Action Plans. She has done the leg work to inform the public about what the Global Warming and Paris Accord are all about. They intend to infiltrate our homes with monitoring devices in our appliances with an intention to tax us for emitting CO2 gases. Research the Carbon Tax problems in Australia.
They are attacking us from all sides. There is method to all their madness and it can be traced back to this evil AI that is like Satan himself. You need to research how quantum computers work (D-Wave). You need to look into how they enable what is called the “Mandela Effect” whereby they use quantum entanglement to reach into the past and change things. Look up “Lion and the Lamb” for an easy example.
Lastly, you need to know about the “Deep State” which has circumvented the U.S. government and controls the MainStream Media, primarily through intelligence agencies like the CIA and the MOSSAD.
Now today, the most important story is the citizen investigation into the Seth Rich murder. His demise is the key to taking down the Deep State. If Seth Rich is the leaker to WikiLeaks then that truth will destroy the entire Russia Hacking Narrative. Revelations of the corruption of the DNC, Podesta, Hillary Clinton, pedophilia, leaks, and much more will expose the machinations of the Deep State.
The key for us is to stand on “Truth” at all times. We have to be “Lovers of the Truth” to make it through the inevitable dismantling of the U.S. government as a result of all these exposures. People will be arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted and jailed. We will have to reconstitute our government.
I have to mention God because He is the one who will help us to know the truth. If we include Him in all our endeavors then we will succeed in stopping the Deep State. God can guide our steps and move on the people who will do what is necessary to expose all the corruption. Yes, we have to pray to God to give us His Holy Spirit discernment so that we will know what is true and what is disinformation. By praying for God’s help we can practice and fine-tune our intuition to know what is true. There is a BS Meter built into all of us.
People who are in the lime-light of Alternative News must include God and invoke God’s name into all their articles and broadcasts. Ask your listeners and readers to pray for God’s help. In our personal lives we must ask God to be a part of all that we do. Start and end each day speaking to God. Pretend Father God is watching your life through your eyes and speak to Him constantly about what is going on. By doing this exercise then you will learn to hear God’s voice more clearly. Watch your every thought and God will help you clean up your thought life.
Ironically, we are the ones who need to be righteous and holding the Light in order to achieve victory. Our future does not have to be doom and gloom. Your country can resist the globalists. The Bible does not say that we do not fight. Our main weapons are EXPOSURE and PRAYER. Please think about these two methods. We stand on the truth and expose the enemy. We pray to God to guide us and others as to what to do. So, you see that as an individual you CAN make a difference.
Before all this is over God has a plan to raise up some few of us whom He has been preparing. God will glorify this remnant, which means that they will be transformed into new bodies like the one Jesus had after His resurrection. They will be filled with God’s glory and power and go about doing miracles and preaching the Gospel (good news). Believe God. Have faith in Him. Trust God. He does love us all and is ready to help us with all details of our lives. I leave you with some of my favorite verses in the Bible:
Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
Isa 60:2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.