VAEROSPACE #conspiracy

Alien Mind Control test

just answer the questions ...

Do you...

1. Think humans have reached the pinacle of scientific understanding
2. Trust news agencies governments and scientists
3. Think you are above average intelligence

Do you ...
1. Think that anyone who disagrees with your opinion is a "dumbass" ?
2. Get EMOTIONAL over news issues and "science" ?
3. Think other ethnicities are intellectally inferior ?

Do you ...
1. Think wealth and material goods "define" you ?
2. Think "wars" are necessary evil ?
3. loose your "temper" frequently with strangers ?

Do you ...?

1. Think Extra terrestrials play by your rules and perceptions ?
2. Imagine you are the "architect" of your own destiny ?
3. play by "the rules" ?

Do you ...
1. pronounce "expertly" and 100% assured of your accuracy
on subjects you have only seen on T.V ?
2. Do you seek to be funny by being critical of everything and everyone ?
3. Argue both sides of any issue being debated or discussed ?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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