libertarian1234 #racist
This kind of vicious cruelty and inhumane behavior was in place before the white man colonized America. And it involved most all of the tribes, not just the Comanche savages.
When we hear blacks like Michael Dyson and others wail that whites killed all the Indians, they don't want it known that any atrocities by whites against the Indians usually were paybacks for mass slaughters and tortures of white women and little children, even babies, and that the entire white vs Indian wars can be summed up by noting that the Indians tried every vicious, devious way to conquer the white man, and got their a**es kicked for trying.
They weren't the unjustly vanquished as we so often hear about. They were the losers in a war they insisted on pursuing by deceit, torture, mayhem, and atrociously inhumane methods.
And it riles me greatly to now listen to them or anyone else declare that they were some kind of innocent, noble people who were wronged and murdered by the white man out of nothing less than greed.
Yes, treaties/promises were broken, but it happened more often by the Indians in the beginning and that fact has been submerged by people who hate whites and/or people who have some kind of Indiophile love based in a kind of mental derangement.
We were attacked, viciously and cruelly just so they could steal our horses, livestock, blankets, etc., something they were doing to each other for hundreds of years, and we did what we had to do to respond to the vicious threat.