What saddens me these days, however, is that thousands of Christian homeschooling parents are sending their kids off to college campuses for five or six years to fit into a university system that is morally corrupt and economically disastrous for the next generation of God’s people. In fact, current statistics show that around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate. Although we might wonder how many of these people were truly believers to begin with, the reality remains that these people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth the rest of their lives.
...These people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth the rest of their lives.
Not at all. They've discovered some real truth, finally.
This is what happens when you teach people to think for themselves, and open them up to reality. They leave that arcaic and outdated religious way of life and mindset. The problem isn't with the schools, it's with the religion. Will fundies ever realize that? Probably not.
"around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate"
They must have not been very committed in the first place, my college has lots of great brainwashing groups on campus.
This is, I think, the *real* reason fundies hate Obama. If a college education is available and affordable to all who want it; they'll be exposed for the intellectual vacuums that they are. (The Fundies that is)
"In fact, current statistics show that around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate."
Well, there does seem to be some sort of correlation between education and non-belief or lesser belief but I'd still like to see your source. I find 70% to be quite high.
"Although we might wonder how many of these people were truly believers to begin with, the reality remains that these people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth the rest of their lives."
I see. It couldn't possibly be that with an increased understanding of how the world/universe actually works comes a disbelief in outright stupidity contained in your Babble. No. Instead they never really believed to begin with.
Yeah, right.
What saddens me these days, however, is that thousands of Christian homeschooling parents are sending their kids off to college campuses for five or six years to fit into a university system that is morally corrupt and economically disastrous for the next generation of God’s people.
For how long? In that time, I got both my bachelor's and my master's.
Although we might wonder how many of these people were truly believers to begin with, the reality remains that these people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth [sic] the rest of their lives.
We can certainly hope.
"In fact, current statistics show that around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate."
So what about the ones who return to Christianity well after leaving YOUR god in college? Like, say, both of my parents and my aunt (who, unfortunately, went fundie)?
"Although we might wonder how many of these people were truly believers to begin with, the reality remains that these people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth the rest of their lives."
Because, you know, we aren't constantly bombarded by Christianity day in, day out as it is.
"around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate."
And 30% will run ? And not after these "freshmen graduate", but when they realize there are options in the world aside from the mind numbing they took at home for all those years.
A fundie statistic that I wish were true, can it be? Hell, if we sent everyone off to college, after 2 generations, there would be only 9% of you guys left!
In fact, current statistics show that around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate.
Which is why I support a free college program, minimal cost to the student. I got my degrees from a world top 100 university and for only around $200.
I'm guessing that they include in that 70% all the kids who were raised in ultra-conservative homes and grow up to think shocking things like "maybe going to church only once a week is enough".
I'm amused, since I hang around with a lot of writers locally, that this person thought he needed any kind of a degree at all to write... and now he's not a writer, he's in public relations for a company that just happens to sell services related to doing college from home. Hmm.
Aside from that... I have to wonder about the academic rigor of any school that will let you graduate with a real degree only has one or two semesters of real classes, as his company seems to advertise. CLEPs are a wonderful way to get out of electives and intro courses, but do they think that, say, a math major is going to take Calc II, Calc III, Linear Algebra, Advanced Calc, Differential Equations and the like all in the same semester? Have they never heard of prereqs?
Hey, I was one of those 70%, if that number's anywhere accurate, and I really take umbrage at your questioning my devout-to-the-point-of-holding-me-back faith. It cost me a lot, and I was willing to do it because I 100% believed. It had its benefits, but one thing I won't miss is folks like you who question other people's spiritual worth and development.
"In fact, current statistics show that around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate. Although we might wonder how many of these people were truly believers to begin with, the reality remains that these people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth the rest of their lives."
Again: The only thing stopping God's almighty plan for our salvation is college? Sheesh! Seeing as there is a belief that of college and homosexuality each have the ability to derail his plan, I would have to say he did a lousy job of contingency planning.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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