
Chickie #fundie tinyurl.com

That's typical liberal spin bs. Your dumb@ss Muslim jumps Roberts before he even gets the first sentence out, then he f*cks up his line and freezes! He just couldn't bring himself to say he would execute the office of POTUS "FAITHFULLY" because he won't. His allegiance is to Allah, Africa, and Muslims. Busted!

Shawn Cohen #fundie tinyurl.com

What saddens me these days, however, is that thousands of Christian homeschooling parents are sending their kids off to college campuses for five or six years to fit into a university system that is morally corrupt and economically disastrous for the next generation of God’s people. In fact, current statistics show that around 70% of Christian freshman will walk away from God after they graduate. Although we might wonder how many of these people were truly believers to begin with, the reality remains that these people may be forever lost to hearing any spiritual truth the rest of their lives.

PPPPPP8 #fundie tinyurl.com

[In response to someone quoting the 14th Dalai Lama, "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."]

That should show anyone Buddist is not of God which we already knew. Number one God is not comprehended with the brain. He communicates to our spirit. Without being born again your spirit is dead to God. Must be born again to get your spirit alive. Then he is saying no temples the Bible said your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Wake up and smell the roses. your out of touch with reality.

[In the past she referred to another poster as a "Wiccan Terrorist", and she has been proven to not be a Poe, so sad.]

KESTRELROSE #fundie tinyurl.com

["I choose prolife for myself, but I'm pro choice because I can't possibly make that decision for someone else." That to me is the correct and wise religious answer.]

That sounds so good if we were not talking about the life of a child. Does a man have the right to kill his daughter? Is it right that I can say, you have a choice in the matter because this is your child and not mine?

For centuries men have had that right. Women have now taken that right from men and have applied it to themselves. Women now have the power of life and death over their young.

It was wrong when men abused this power and it is equally wrong that women can know use this power.

blondielmore #fundie tinyurl.com

i read the bible daily & have noticed that if you read the ten commandments in the bible most of our laws are based on those ten commandments besides those who are bashing the bible must be reading it to know where to find the verses they seem to want to quote so why are they saying are bible is wrong. yes i do believe in god & jesus & believe what my bible tells me about how are world was created.please stop bashing my prized & most loved book.

sunnyinmansfield #fundie tinyurl.com

Exactly right. Hitler was attempting to use SCIENCE to create a perfect race. The SCIENCE behind his actions was indeed darwinian evolution and eugenics.

Darwinian evolution dictates that the strong of a species will destroy the weak in order to survive.

FACT: Darwin encouraged the extermination of Blacks with his theory that WHITES would benifit from the extermination of BLACKS. This ideology fits perfectly with Hitlers feelings, whereas Christianity does not fit at all.

sunnyinmansfield #fundie tinyurl.com

[Just WOW]
I am not sure the anti-christ is a person at all. Many have described it as a movement, which I agree with. In fact, I believe that darwinian evolution in the anti-christ.

It appears as though no other movement in history has led people away from God the way that darwin has. The acceptance that we were not created, and merely evolved is the most dangerous ideology man has ever known and has the power to bring forth our destruction.

sunshine4ever #fundie tinyurl.com

Sorry to disappoint you, but you didn't put anything over my head. I happen to be recuperating from shoulder surgery, and just didn't feel like it then.......

That's nice that you can hand pick scriptures and try to make your point without cross-referencing or looking at the bigger picture, and seeing the story for what it was meant to be.

I seriously think you are the type of person who if I were to tell you that the sky IS blue, or the grass IS green, you would find a reason to argue with the statement. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, or makes you any less knowlegeable, but actually you keep dodging my points on how we can't see God with our eyes, (He is more powerful than the sun, and we can't even look directly into that, without injuring ourselves) and you don't explain why you just can't comprehend this notion. Actually, I don't think it has anything to do with your ability to understand it, but rather, it is easier for you to say, none of it exists, and it's all make believe, etc. That way, you have no accountability to something higher than yourself. Has science figured out the connection betwen our heart and brain and all of the emotions we feel as humans? Didn't think so. And THEY never will.

JesusFreak #fundie tinyurl.com

[JesusFreak, after her astounding success with the number of ribs women have, has more well thought out answers to pressing questions]

Question: Do you think that those who don't believe just don't understand the bible?
Answer: i think some people wouldnt believe if God slapped them in the face... they're just that stubborn...
and evolution... my mom has seen arceologists find something that would disprove something, and throw it a way to protect themselves...

Q: What happened to the other angels who agreed with lucifer?
A: God gave lucifer 1/3 of his angles (his demons).

Q: What is the difference between an Orthodox Christian and a born again Christian?
A: born again christians love God, orthodox is kinda... well my parents did it so i do it.

Q: If one is born gay would God still put them to hell?
A: I believe that gay is a passed on sin from parents, yes God does punish parents with their children, but you can turn back from it, you just have to want to.

Esther #fundie tinyurl.com

Why should we want to know WHY they believe it? What if they have some good argument Im not smart enough to think up an argument against? It seems dangerous to listen to them.

Dont get me wrong I love this life and I think its a precious thing. Its the most precious gift God has given us. But who cares if science has made us live longer or made us more knowledgable. In the kingdom of heaven we will know all things and live forever. It seems like a total waste of time to focus on all the stuff we do in this world when we should be focusing on knowing God. Thats why we're here, not to know about history and learn math or know that the earth circles the sun. All that does is make the bible look wrong. Wouldnt we all be better off if we just accepted the answer to everything is that God did it so we can get back to living our lives for Him as He intended?

Alana Marie Burke #fundie tinyurl.com

Hetero, homo, emo or Cheerio, all people, especially those that stand out as different, can expect to take some heat in some form or another. The choice is whether to handle the heat with dignity or to make a public spectacle that may garner attention from the media but will only serve to inflame the majority of society. The LGBT organizations, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, (sounds like a sandwich -- a nice lettuce, gruyere, bacon and tomato) and the gay culture persistently push their agenda with displays of public face sucking and flamboyant antics and then complain bitterly when discriminated against.

Perhaps staying in the closet, or at least taking advantage of privacy laws, would be a better choice. The majority of society does not parade their sexual preferences in front of the world expecting special treatment and neither should homosexuals. They're just not that special.