"And if the Big Bang, the planet or star, whatever, exploded, all planets would have a similar look and materials as it. If it exploded, then how water came? It spawned? Or something? The Sun, has more then 90% hydrogen and helium, while the Earth has less then 1%. If it all comes from the same thing, then it would be similar, but it isn't."
I could point out that gaseous hydrogen and helium are lighter than air and as such are not constrained in Earth's atmosphere because the gravity is not strong enough. I could point out that hydrogen is massively abundant anyway(unlike noble helium, that shit bonds to everything). I could point out that water does indeed just "spawn" from an explosion, because that's what explosions fucking produce. I could point out that the very idea that everything must be the same because it comes from an explosion is massively retarded. But at this point I'd be wasting my breath.
"Evolution is logically impossible because nothing good can be caused by explosions.If I would put a dynamite in a car, would there be many small car-toys? No, it will blow into pieces."
Notwithstanding the fact that evolution has not a fucking thing to do with the Big Bang in the first place, your example cannot be linearly extrapolated to predict behaviors at this scale, complexity and timeframe. It's like using a falling tree to justify Controlled Demolition Theory. The analogy simply doesn't apply and has no predictive or explanatory power. In short, you're a fucking moron.
"The evolution theory violates the second law of Thermodynamics, which states "Things are getting older, loosing their potential over time". But in evolution, species mutate to better species, which VIOLATES, IT, while in the Bible we read that Earth will be destroyed, which confirms it."
Whoever said that things aren't getting older and losing potential over time? And whoever said that evolution is incompatible with this law? It's like saying that no parties will ever happen if you put frat boys, pizza, beer and prostitutes in a sealed room because in the morning everything is always going to be a mess. You're completely ignoring what goes on in the interim- in this case, evolution. Perhaps a better explanation would be that the Second Law only accounts for the TOTAL energy, and has no bearing on things that defer greater disorder to create pockets of order.
"From where Big Bang came? What created it? Something must create something, but in evolution, it is beyond belief..."
That's weird, I thought that the Second Law ensures that the universe is pretty much a zero-sum game to begin with and therefore can indeed come from "nothing" because it IS "nothing"- just in two extremes of positive and negative. What WOULD smell like bullshit would be if there was significantly more positive input in making the universe than negative- such as an outside source building it into existence. Oh, wait, that's what YOU think. What was that Second Law you were bitching about again? Hypocrisy much? Oh, and by the way, where did this "God" guy come from, genius?
"The evolution is just a theory, but in the Bible we read that Christianity is real.It's just a thinking of a single man."