Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
The earth is definitely flat and not a globe
1. The Bible says so.
2. All pictures of the earth from space are admitted fake.
3. We're able too see objects such as land, buildings, boats that are supposed to be behind the "curve ".
4. NASA and Obama says we can't leave low earth orbit.
5. The North Star never moves and the constellations have never changed ever.
6. Weather balloon footage and footage from airplanes show the horizon to be flat and always at eye level.
7. None of the astroNOTS that supposedly landed on the moon would not swear on the Bible.
8. Water is always level and it makes up 70% of our earth.
9. NASA gets $50,000,000 a day.
10. Operation Paperclip nazi Germany helped form NASA.
11. The heliocentric model was created by freemasonic devil worshippers.
12. Air bubbles viewed in "space".
13. AstroNOT almost drowning in "space".
14. Scuba tank viewed in "space".
15. Density and buoyancy no magic gravity.
16. Gravity strong enough to hold the oceans to the earth yet birds and planes fly with ease.
17. GoPro lenses used to fake the "curve" of earth.
18. No observable proof of evolution.
19. Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel.
20. Moon light is always colder then moon shade.
21. Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve.
22. Neil Degrasse Tyson says the earth is pear shaped.
23. NASA caught faking a photo of the earth on the way too the moon.
24. More than one light source during the moon landings.
25. The UN flag is a flat earth map.
26. It took Captain Cook 3 years and 60,000 miles to circumnavigate Antarctica.
27. Underground cables and ground based towers used for our communication.
28. Flight paths only make sense on a flat earth.
29. All but one challenger passengers are still alive today.
30. NASA caught using green screens.
31. No 24 hour live feed of the earth from space.
32. No actual photos of satellites in space.
33. Lighthouses
34. Sun dogs
35. Antarctica treaty
36. Admiral Byrd said that there is more land.
37. The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the earth is stationary.
38. Auguste Piccard the first man to reach the stratosphere said the earth is a flat disk upturned at the edges.
39. The sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.
40. Rockets never go straight up.
41. Bedford level experiment.
42. Tesla's real scientific findings.
43. Our own senses tell us that the earth is flat and stationary.
44. The sun and moon appear to be the same size.
45. The globe model was created 500 years before NASA.
46. No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south only east and west.
47. Sun dials.
48. All the "space" agencies across the land share the same vector logo.
49. Gyroscopes.
50. Astrolabes.
51. No parallax with the stars.
52. Time lapse shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star.
53. Bolivian salt flats.
54. Sun appears smaller near the horizon.
55. We only see one side of the moon.
56. Railroads.
57. Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve.
58. We've only been able to dig 8 miles into the earth yet they say we have a molten core.
59. The top of the moon being illuminated during a eclipse.
60. Stars visible thru the moon.