"We are sinners"
No, WE are not.
"Humans are collectively (at least partially) insane."
No, WE are not, but I'm beginning to suspect YOU may be.
"We are each as a natural man, purposefully separated from our Creator."
Nature IS our creator. What is a "natural man," anyway? As opposed to what, an artificially colored, artificially flavored man? Pop-Tart man?
"That is insane, by definition."
OK, so a natural man would be insane, but Pop-Tart man is not?
"Therefore, our best consensus even using highly vaunted “peer review” will therefore also be wrong, right?"
Wrong. Artificial man will review all submitted materials.
"To trust “peer review” is thus to put faith in a consensus that can never be fully right, as long as we are firstly still in sin."
But, as God does not exist, neither does sin, therefore, we are not "in sin." Artificial man, Pop-Tart man and I have formed a consensus. We believe you are wrong, insane and your hot air is probably the major cause of global warming.