I don't trust atheists. I really don't. In a godless world people will behave in a godless way. If someone believes in God and trusts what the Bible teaches then even if they behave bad they will apologise, seek forgiveness... there's no compulsion for atheists to do any such thing. In a godless world you only get to face up to your actions if you get caught.
I find atheists tend to be sneaks who put up a farce that they are moral but as soon as your back is turned they do what they like. Not to be trusted.
"there's no compulsion for atheists to do any such thing."
Gosh it's almost as though we choose to be good people, rather than being forced to be good people through threats of hell.
I don't need a book to tell me how to be a kind, considerate, generous, nurturing, non-violent human being, I choose to be, of my own volition. The Ten Commandments aren't exactly rocket science, and the judeo-christian religion was certainly not the first to give instruction on how people aught to behave so they do not have a monopoly on morality or ethics, either.
If you need a book to tell you that killing someone or stealing from them is wrong, then you need to seek professional help. Oh, and you also sound a bit paranoid.
I find atheists tend to be sneaks who put up a farce that they are moral but as soon as your back is turned they do what they like. Not to be trusted.
Funny... why don't we hear of Atheists like that in the news all the time. Maybe it's hard to squeeze the reports in thanks to all the fucking Christians doing just that?
If someone believes in God and trusts what the Bible teaches then even if they behave bad they will apologise, seek forgiveness...
Translation, you can screw over anybody you want, just pray to Santa-Jesus for forgiveness and it's all good.
Why is it that everytime someone is caught, they're on the news crying and saying that Jesus has forgiven them, so why can't the rest of the world. At least an atheist is willing to accept his own screwups.
Riiiight. So, your criteria for a trustworthy person is that such a person should believe in an unseen, ineffective deity for which their is no credible evidence and that such a person should believe in the truth of an ancient text which is full of obvious errors. Good thinking.
Well, when an atheist feels bad on doing bad things they seek forgiveness from the people they wronged.
Unlike Christians, they don't ask invisible hippies in a bathrobe and a diaper for forgiveness and say "problem solved, I'm a good person now."
Stupid fuck.
P.S. I don't trust priests, the moment I turn my back on one...well I'll let you figure that one out.
Sweeping generalizations really do nothing for you.
Atheists behave morally because it is the right thing to do. You behave in order to gain rewards in heaven.
Who is more morally balanced?
Theists scare me because they say literally that they can do anything and as long as they are truly sorry and forgive themselves, God and Jesus will forgive them too.
Nothing they ever do is bad, and the ends often justify the means.
Scary fuckers, these fundies.
I apologize out of the realization that I've wronged another person, ass assassin.
Oh, and if you have such a compulsion to seek forgiveness when you behave badly, how is it you never once say "I'm sorry" in your little rant? Is it suddenly okay to insult someone who's done no wrong to you, just because you're paranoid that they would if they could?
One of my dearest friends is an atheist. we disagree on a great many things, but she is not some monster without a conscience.
how about you actually meet an atheist and talk with them? I don't mean on the internet, as the web tends to attract extremists, but in real life?
Christ said to Love all Men. Our Master said all men, not just your fellow believers. Is judging an entire group of people as "sneaks" very loving?
Atheists also don't have any justification to hurt other people. We don't have any sort of higher authority who we can cite as justification for our actions. We can only answer to ourselves. And, unfortunately for us, reality does not offer much in the way of justification for genocide, sexism, racism, and homophobia, so we tend to be a pretty easy-going bunch.
Funny, I'm not an atheist, but I consider them far more moral than fundie Christians who, like you Scar, seem to only behave out of fear of hell.They behave out of respect for their fellow man, not for eternal reward or punishment. Human pit bulls like you(especially the one's who believe in the "saved, get out of hell-free card" concept), held only on the leash of threats are never to be trusted.
religious people believe they can do bad things to people and then ask God's forgiveness and everything will be OK. Never mind the people that were hurt, they don't matter, only God matters.
Atheists believe that when you do something bad to people, you should seek forgiveness from the folks you did bad things to and try to fix what you did if possible.
People that trusts what the Bible teaches could fly off the handle and murder me for disobeying it at any time because it tells them to do so. I find it hard to trust them.
Even if they only follow the good parts, then I find it sad that they need such rules in order to make them good.
I find atheists tend to be sneaks who put up a farce that they are moral but as soon as your back is turned they do what they like.
I reckon a great practical joke to play on scarlets would be to play "musical fundie". Stand stock-still while she's looking at you, then as soon as she turns away start dancing and pulling faces, and when she looks back pretend like nothing happened. It would really weird her out.
Oh, and on a serious note the majority of atheists don't need the threats of eternal damnation and torture to make them toe the line. We do it out of those mythical things called human decency, respect, and empathy.
I don't trust christians. I really don't. In a god filled world people will behave in godless ways. If someone believes in god and trusts what the bible teaches then even if they behave badly they will try to hide it, blame someone else...there's no compulsion for atheists to do any such thing. In a god filled world you only get to face up to your actions if you get caught.
I find christians tend to be sneaks who put up a farce that they are moral but as soon as your back is turned they do what they like. Not to be trusted.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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